Novotnus: - I highly recommend that future games NOT include invalid sections as it isn't conducive to game play.
YAY - Momo1991, GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, Nightrunner227 / NAY - Novotnus
- Dogma is achieved at 51% agreement
YAY - Nightrunner227 GabiMoro / NAY - Novotnus, ErekoseDM, Trid
- xyem must confirm if a segment is valid or not.
YAY - GabiMoro Trid/ NAY - ErekoseDM, Nightrunner227, Novotnus
- Everybody has to post their code in encrypted form or in a form of a riddle. Make it as hard as you can, but post it.
YAY - Nightrunner227, Novotnus / NAY - ErekoseDM Trid
- BlueMooner's presence in the game
YAY - Novotnus, Nightrunner227, Trid / NAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM
- When someone is voted out of the game, their code segment becomes public domain
YAY - Austrobogulator, Trid / NAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, triock, Novotnus, Nightrunner227
- Xyem or a person chosen by him will force one of us to reveal his \ her part without revealing it's validity
YAY - Novotnus / NAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, Trid
- No one can post new dogma proposal until all previous proposals are accepted or rejected
YAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, Nightrunner227, Novotnus, Trid / NAY -
- within the next day, everyone needs to embed all of their letters/numbers (in order) within one post in this thread
YAY - Austrobogulator, Momo1991, Nightrunner227, Novotnus / NAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, Trid
- text only communication" to "text and images only communications. no videos.
YAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, Novotnus, Nightrunner227 Trid / NAY - triock
- Our Generous Host or a person chosen by him will force one of us to reveal his \ her part without revealing it's validity. Random draw should be fine.
YAY - Novotnus, Nightrunner227 / NAY - ErekoseDM, triock GabiMoro, Trid
- Whoever knowingly breaks the rules and disobeys Dogmas must give a game chosen by him\herself to one player of his \ her choosing or leave it for ninjas in this topic.
YAY - Novotnus, triock, Nightrunner227 / NAY - GabiMoro, ErekoseDM, Trid