darthspudius: Every time I turn round to talk to someone, whether it is my mother, the wife or my friends they are always stuck on their phone. Staring at it like their life has flashed before them.
People will not put their phones down for more than an hour because of social networking. Does this piss anyone else off? I feel like I am in my own little bubble right now.
I witnessed a young girl who was texting on her cell phone while driving, rear end the car who had stopped in front of her at a stop sign. I pulled over, and waited until the police arrived, to let them know exactly why the accident occurred. I can't tell you how many people I have had pull left turns in front of me, pull out of driveways, roads, ect., while I have been on my motorcycle...I just expect it to happen now, and am always in a defensive mode (more so than I used to be) when on my bike anymore. It's absolutely ridiculous, how people are so addicted to social media and their phones, iPads, and other electronic devices, that they can't properly observe, or function in the real world. This kind of crap is all over YouTube and the internet :