darthspudius: I see guys do it at the gym, people walking across an extremely busy road, getting on and off trains (and occasionally falling) it scares me thinking we're becoming so stupid.
Wishbone: Actually, I do this too, apart from the falling part. The difference is that I'm not "connecting" when I do it, I'm reading. I did the same thing long before smartphones, only with a book instead. I have years of practice, and great peripheral vision, so I can read and pay attention to my surroundings at the same time.
I have a friend like that, it amazes me cause he can see everything thats going on whilst reading a novel.
darthspudius: Are we done trying to make me sound little a miserable, grumpy old shite? :D
JMich: Just trying to see what it is that bothers you actually. I am bothered when people do ignore me, though that was the case from way before Google was a thing. Going out for a cup of coffee and having one person on the table talk to their cell phone instead of the rest of the group was (and still is) quite annoying. Whenever I have to take a call and I'm in company, I do excuse myself and walk a bit further off, plus I try to keep the conversation short.
So I'd say that in both of the cases, the problem is that people choose to socialize with someone who is not present instead of someone that is present. Whether that socializing is text, voice, tweet, post or game is (imho) irrelevant.
Hit the nail on the head I think.