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Rincewind81: Definitly not. The german retail release of Memoria was drm-free, the german retail release of Goodbye Deponia was drm-free, they are selling their games drm-free at different shops with the german language.
well then, I have no idea why they do that to us
I think Daedelic simply wants to sell their games more pricey to german gamers. If you look on other digital distributors which even sell the games DRM-free, you can see that the german versions cost more. GOG has a one world, one price policy, so they wouldn't be able to sell their games overpriced to german gamers.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Silverhawk170485
Silverhawk170485: I think Daedelic simply wants to sell their games more pricey to german gamers. If you look on other digital distributors which even sell the games DRM-free, you can see that the german versions cost more. GOG has a one world, one price policy, so it would not be possible to sell their games overpriced to german gamers.
Probably on the mark, they had no problem publish "Gomo" at GOG on its release day (and they also included the German version).
Silverhawk170485: I think Daedelic simply wants to sell their games more pricey to german gamers. If you look on other digital distributors which even sell the games DRM-free, you can see that the german versions cost more. GOG has a one world, one price policy, so it would not be possible to sell their games overpriced to german gamers.
Ingsoc85: Probably on the mark, they had no problem publish "Gomo" at GOG on its release day (and they also included the German version).
Because Gomo is only a small production with low costs. If you compare it with their bigger productions you can see a huge difference. Lets look on Good Bye Deponia. This game costs here on GOG about $20. The german version costs about €30. That's about $41. Doubletime for germans. Get one game and pay twice.
Silverhawk170485: I think Daedelic simply wants to sell their games more pricey to german gamers.
Please read my post three hours ago.

They sell Goodbye Deponia for 17,59 Dollar to german gamers through the indie gala store or for 10,99 Dollar to german Mac Users and Memoria for 12,89 Dollar @Indiegala. Even this, disappointing but understandable, reason isn't valid anymore. It seems that ONLY GOG isn't able/allowed to offer the german versions.

So a drm-free german version is ok, "cheap" dollar prices for "german" Steam keys are ok, but dollar prices for drm-free german version is to much? Where is the sense in that?
SLP2000: Don't you think that they are just not ready to go with DRM-free German language versions of their new games?

That's it, they think German players would pirate their games and that would hurt their sales. That's why they release their games here after a few weeks, and without German language included.

It's nothing about hate, it's just what they believe is good for them.
And from what I recall, it's not even Daedalic's decision, but their founders, people they get money from. I think I remember some Daedalic guy responding in one of the release threads that they don't call the shots here. - the same goes with the price in Germany.

If you're a Germany located buyer, you'd have to pay 30EUR for Night of the Rabbit while in Poland - 9.99EUR.

It's not about DRM, it's about regional pricing. They want Germans to pay more for their games.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by keeveek
keeveek: It's not about DRM, it's about regional pricing. They want Germans to pay more for their games.

I am German. I can get Deponia 3 here for only 17,59$, later 19,99$.
German Apple users can buy Deponia 3 till Dec. 15th for 10.99$ in the Mac Store.
I can buy Memoria for less then 13$ with the german language at the Gala Store or later for 19,99$.

If I want to buy it from GOG, without the german version, I must pay for both games 19,99$.

What kind of regional pricing is this?
Pay more get less?
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Rincewind81
Is it Daedalic or their choice of publisher in germany?
keeveek: It's not about DRM, it's about regional pricing. They want Germans to pay more for their games.
Rincewind81: No.

I am German. I can get Deponia 3 here for only 17,59$, later 19,99$.
German Apple users can buy Deponia 3 till Dec. 15th for 10.99$ in the Mac Store.
I can buy Memoria for less then 13$ with the german language at the Gala Store or later for 19,99$.

If I want to buy it from GOG, without the german version, I must pay for both games 19,99$.

What kind of regional pricing is this?
Pay more get less?
And even if their reason would be regional pricements it would be a total bullshit-argument:
Deponia Trillogy has been offered here for a price that was almost robbery and was way cheaper than buying Dep and Chaos alone. (those two with german language package)
This simply cannot have something to do with pricements, if they´d be scared to loose to much money, they´d rise prices of all three titles or wouldn´t do so heavy launch-sales!

It doesn´t make any sence to me, so the only explanation could be that some high folks at Deadalic really hate GOG...
keeveek: It's not about DRM, it's about regional pricing. They want Germans to pay more for their games.
Rincewind81: No.

I am German. I can get Deponia 3 here for only 17,59$, later 19,99$.
German Apple users can buy Deponia 3 till Dec. 15th for 10.99$ in the Mac Store.
I can buy Memoria for less then 13$ with the german language at the Gala Store or later for 19,99$.

If I want to buy it from GOG, without the german version, I must pay for both games 19,99$.

What kind of regional pricing is this?
Pay more get less?
Ok, so buy it on indiegala...?
nijuu: Is it Daedalic or their choice of publisher in germany?
For Deponia only Deadalic.

For Memoria and Chains of Satinav there is also Deep Silver included.

Daedalic claimed for CoS that Deep Silver wanted Steamworks for the german version and that Deep Silver has the rights for the german market and Daedalic is free to market the game internationally . Same for Mermoria, Daedalic says, that Deep Silver can control the german price. For Memoria this means that the Steam prices vary. (19.99$/€ for the US and the rest of Europe and 39,99€ for Germany). But is this true? Daedalic was able to offer Chains of Satinav drm-free(!) and german(!) in the humble weekly sale and is now offering the german version of Memoria through the Gala Store for less then half of the steam price for germans. Strange...
keeveek: Ok, so buy it on indiegala...?
Nor more regional pricing? ;)

I don't want it there. I want it here.

I have Part one and two here and i want to keep game series at one place. Thats why I decided, that i want an GOG key for Broken Sword 5 - I have Part 1-4 here, too.

That's why I am so angry about this matter. If Deadalic removes the german versions from future releases - fine, maybe I will buy them somewhere else. But the removed the german version here in the last installment of an episodic game! Obviously for no reason at all.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Rincewind81
Rincewind81: Nor more regional pricing? ;)

I don't want it there. I want it here.

I have Part one and two here and i want to keep game series at one place. Thats why I decided, that i want an GOG key for Broken Sword 5 - I have Part 1-4 here, too.

That's why I am so angry about this matter. If Deadalic removes the german versions from future releases - fine, maybe I will buy them somewhere else. But the removed the german version here in the last installment of an episodic game! Obviously for no reason at all.
No, you seem to be unable to grasp the fact that German versions for new Daedalic games are avaible only on Steam due to regional pricing. Indie gala and other stores are reselling steam keys, so they probably get a smaller cut or maybe the deal Daedalic has with their partners doesn't include steam key reselling, I don't know.

There is no Goodbye Deponia German outside steam and it's exactly because of Daedalic messed up deals with their partners. If you think they did it only because trolololo, then I have no further questions.

Also, you should rather get agressive on Daedalic forums than here, because GOG has nothing to do with this decision. Unloading your frustrations here won't change anything.

But you may be onto something, so I will contact Daedalic and ask directly why Goodbye Deponia lacks German language on GOG.

edit: this store also has english only version:
Post edited December 08, 2013 by keeveek
Well folks, discussing it here at GOG seems to be a fruitless effort. Daedalic won't answer here and GOG officials won't either because they do not want to ruin their maybe already damaged relationship with Daedalic by making statements to this situation.

I would like to encourage those that are unhappy with the situation or simply want to shed some light on it to go over to the Daedalic boards and ask them the questions directly. I did so with Deponia 3, but I have not got an official answer:
If more people ask similar questions at their boards they may have to react and answer though.

For the record, just to show it exists, Deponia 3 (German version, DRM-free without Steam):
*with regional pricing though
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Quasebarth
keeveek: There is no Goodbye Deponia German outside steam and it's exactly because of Daedalic messed up deals with their partners.
Of course there is...
German, maybe some activation - but not steam. also
german and drm-free
german and drm-free

Did I prove my point?
If you think they did it only because trolololo, then I have no further questions.
Give me any other reason. It is not about drm-free, it is not about regional pricing, it is not about resellers are only allowed to sell steam keys. Only GOG is not allowed to sell the german version...

keeveek: But you may be onto something, so I will contact Daedalic and ask directly why Goodbye Deponia lacks German language on GOG.
Already did this, never got an answer... ;)
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Rincewind81
german and drm-free

Did I prove my point?
It's German only, and on english version of the site it's English only.
But yes, you've proven your point, gamersgate has multilingual release.
Post edited December 08, 2013 by keeveek