fortune_p_dawg: Ah, I see I see. Back in the summer of 2009 I was walking down the street in Cincinnati with a buddy of mine (who just so happens to have long hair) , a beat up LeBaron speeds by and the driver yells "YOU LOOK LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON" and chucks a crushed beer can out the window at him.
I don't typically laugh at that kind of thing but that was the hardest I had ever laughed in my life, bar none. I had been telling him that dry, thinning, whispy, stupid looking mop had to go, but nooooooo. That said, I never advocate being a dick for being a dick's sake, but some people can pull off the long hair and some people can't. Is yours luscious and thick or scarecrow hair? I have somewhat thinning hair, not really noticeable if I keep is super short but I'm going to start shaving it soon so I can get used to that look by the time I hit 40. Haha.
tinyE: This is going to sound sad and melodramatic but I think its hilarious. I cut it all off when I was 26. Three months later I was diagnosed with cancer and three weeks after that everything I didn't cut off fell out. Well screw that! As soon as was done with chemo and the hair started growing back I vowed never to cut it again as I was convinced that the hair cut caused the cancer. I still think that. Oh I can't prove it, yet, but I'm working on it and one day, when I've established a clear link between hair cuts and cancer, a lot of people are going to owe me a big apology. So I havn't cut it in ten years and now I look like Jesus and I frighten children but hey, ten years and I havn't had a relapse!
Eddie Vedder looks like Jesus and I love his music.