fortune_p_dawg: Are you by chance from Kentucky? Haha.
I see that you bleed blue.
tinyE: Hockey. St. Louis Blues. Born and raised there. Wait till baseball season, then I get REALLY obnoxious.
Funny thing is, I always hated living it St. Louis. I moved 750 miles away some 8 years ago and while I will remain loyal to the teams the rest of the city can eat the peanuts out of my shit. I have long hair and I actually use to get rocks thrown at me walking down the street in St. Louis because of it...I SHIT YOU NOT!
Sorry, I'm ranting. I'll stop now.
Ah, I see I see. Back in the summer of 2009 I was walking down the street in Cincinnati with a buddy of mine (who just so happens to have long hair) , a beat up LeBaron speeds by and the driver yells "YOU LOOK LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON" and chucks a crushed beer can out the window at him.
I don't typically laugh at that kind of thing but that was the hardest I had ever laughed in my life, bar none. I had been telling him that dry, thinning, whispy, stupid looking mop had to go, but nooooooo. That said, I never advocate being a dick for being a dick's sake, but some people can pull off the long hair and some people can't. Is yours luscious and thick or scarecrow hair? I have somewhat thinning hair, not really noticeable if I keep is super short but I'm going to start shaving it soon so I can get used to that look by the time I hit 40. Haha.