AFnord: Most people will claim that they don't like laugh tracks, yet they work. People laugh more and find the show more funny (and yes, that probably means that they work on
you as well). You need to enjoy the jokes to begin with, but you'll enjoy them more with the laugh tracks on.
And people who claim that laugh tracks don't work on them are fooling themselves as much as people who claim that advertisement don't work on them (which would be most people).
Although let's face it, on people who insist on laugh tracks being stupid and everything that features them also being automatically stupid, laugh tracks can have an (almost) exclusively negative effect - it's probably just stubbornness but hearing laugh tracks may keep people from laughing when they normally would and consider writing - that they would normally consider great - just awful.
Anyway, I enjoy them and know that many shows would be far less enjoyable if they didn't have those. Not that a laugh track would make me laugh at a show that I couldn't ever enjoy otherwise (and I do find laugh tracks irritating in shows that are utter crap and where the sole idea of anybody laughing at the things happening on screen appears absurd) but I know that it does remove certain barriers and makes it easier for me to laugh and that's a good thing in my book.
tinyE: If it's below me it's beyond bad. :O
This may be the most brilliant thing you have said in your whole life.