"Tell me, girl, do you know history? Do you know how your kind came to be?" said Jerro with a smirk. She moved towards the table, treading carefully in this damp, dimly lit room. On the table lied a limp body, broken and beaten, but still alive. A faint, wet gurgle was heard and followed by a moan of pain. Jerro turned her gaze to the body "what was that, girl? you want to know more? My my, it's a delight to finally find someone who is interested in these abominations. But of course I will tell you more".
She moved right next to the poor, tied up girl, looked at her directly in the eye "No one knows how the demon broke through the veil. It was thought to be impossible but there it was, a demon walking on this very earth. And what did it do? It bred. Its seed spread like wildfire and when it was done, it vanished. No one knows what happened to it or where it went, it was just gone" Jerro sighed deeply and gently stroked the girl's hair "But it did leave its legacy. The offspring, those half-demons, had capabilities no one should have. They could bend the elements, command fire, mold water... they were unstoppable. And they were insane, power-hungry, vicious and evil. They were the first mages".
Jerro turned away from the girl, who was still tied up on the table, barely awake. She picked up a candle and moved to a shelf filled with glass vials. "You see, it's a curse. A disease, if you will" Jerro said while searching through the vials "it runs in your blood. If a mage breeds with another mage, the child will also be one. But if a mage has a normal human partner, the child is most likely pure. It's impossible for two humans to get this curse" Jerro quickly glanced at the tied woman, then returned her focus on the vials "You're a disease, basically. A disease that must be eradicated"
"Ah, here it is" said Jerro while grabbing a glass vial filled with light blue liquid "here, is your salvation, dear girl".
Jerro moved back to the girl, looked down at her, smiled and forced the poor girl's mouth open. The liquid was forcefully poured into the girl's mouth "Now, my dear girl, its time for you to join your brethren"
Geez, I can't get this story out of my head, it just keeps expanding...