Wishbone: I used to write sci-fi short stories, but I haven't written anything for many years now. I did publish a couple of stories online once (unpaid), but they were set in a shared universe with some quite specific rules, so for people who don't know that universe, they might be rather confusing. Still, if anyone wants to check them out, here they are:
Sociology Experiment Deus Ex Machina Be advised that some devout Christians may find those stories offensive. As I don't write to offend anyone, I think it's only fair to warn people beforehand.
Interesting, man. I'm writing a sci-fi epic for the past 3 years now (450 pages as we speak). It may also offends all sort of religious people but it's not its purpose to do so. My work is trully aimed at the open minded people out there. Atheists will find its content too religious centered and religious people will see it as blasphemy.
The tale sets out to answer the ultimate question: What lies beyond death? The answer is in a whole new sci-fi world where angels exist but the only difference between us and them is mostly in the technology. The angelic race is dying and humanity is their last hope of mantaining their own legacy, seeing we are their own creation.
Anyone and anything that dies has their "souls" collected and sent to be processed and selected for ressurection in "Heavens" (or Hell). This is another war fought on the spiritual grounds by both sides where the soul's destination is actually determined by the content of the soul itself, both sides can only "manipulate" it to make a decision.
Notice I said "anything" so, yes, even animals can be ressurected in humanoid form (A wolf, for example, will be brought back in a "werewolf" form). The key differences between humans and non-humans is the free will. Animals cannot make choices on their own unless by instinct.
Everything above is far more complex than I described here of course. Also, there's no shortage of awesome battles and interesting characters.
The only problem is my mother togue is not English, so...