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I like to write fanfic and dark poetry about the meaningless nature of life as a human being. That and erotica.
I don't. I wish I did, sometimes. Unfortunately, my ADD most acutely manifests itself as a crushing writer's block - getting through school was hell at times. I'm hoping this might have subsided in recent years, but I haven't managed to build up the motivation to try since I graduated from upper secondary school.

I do have an idea for a Malazan-themed campaign I think I could adapt for NWN2. My weakness was always creative writing; with enough constraints, the writer's block wasn't quite as severe. Informal writing, like forum posts, are no problem at all. I'm hoping that the heavily disjointed way of writing used in RPGs (one dialogue tree here, a terse description there...) might be something that doesn't affect me.
Licurg: No.
"Every one of your kind is an abomination, the scourge of these lands. By the king's orders, I hereby sentence you to die, mage. Do not resist, for it is useless. Without your eyes and your hands, you cannot cast. Repent and maybe the Grand Spirit will allow you a place in his domain"

The mage turns to face the soldier

"You slaughter defenseless little children for showing signs, for being able to do something your king sees as unnatural. You hunt the poor, you cut off their hands, pluck out their eyes because you believe they might be different from you. You hunt people who are just trying to survive. You follow us, kill us. Yet we have done nothing to you. Tell me, guard-commander, which one of us is the scourge of these lands?"
Post edited September 24, 2013 by KneeTheCap
Done all sorts of writing - from a long stint as a music and entertainments journalist, to creative writing and even some scriptwriting. Even won a couple of small awards wehn i was younger.

When I quit doing art for a long time it was one of the things I used to fill that hole. Been writing again a little recently - just need more "me" time to get on it.

As to your snippet - quite like it. Let us know if it grows!
Post edited September 24, 2013 by Sachys
I do a little bit. It's nothing noteworthy however.
KneeTheCap: I love writing. I love making stories, telling them to whoever listens, writing them down and eventually stash them somewhere.
Do you have an account on DeviantArt? If not, have you considered one? It's a good place to post your writings, give and get critique, and learn a bit more about a hobby that could someday become your craft.

Yes, I write. Been writing for over 30 years. Am working my way toward self-publication.
KneeTheCap: I love writing. I love making stories, telling them to whoever listens, writing them down and eventually stash them somewhere.
TwoHandedSword: Do you have an account on DeviantArt? If not, have you considered one? It's a good place to post your writings, give and get critique, and learn a bit more about a hobby that could someday become your craft.

Yes, I write. Been writing for over 30 years. Am working my way toward self-publication.
No, but I always thought that place is for graphically inclined people. I used to draw a lot, but that kinda got in the background as women got in the picture. I loved to draw too, and I was pretty decent at it. Now, I can't draw for scheisse anymore...

(Being left-handed gives you the edge in making up new ways to draw proper. And write)

Also, not related to anything, but I always read DeviantArt as Devian Tart...
I enjoy creating stories and telling them. It's why I greatly enjoy my position as Dungeon Master for my group of friends during our biweekly D&D game. I've written occasionally, too, though most of it turned to be unfinished. My only finished piece was for a writing contest, in which I was one of the winners, with a short story called "Dracula's Piano". I had written it in only a day while on holiday in Austria, typed out on an iPad and sent to the judges via email through someone's unprotected Wifi connection in the middle of the night. :F
One more snippet. Lots of "she's" though, should polish this better. Probably.

She felt her feet aching, they were screaming for a rest. A rest that could not be given to them. Her pulse was high, her breathing irregular, gasping. She had been running for so long. But she couldn't stop now, they surely were still right behind her. She did not have the courage to look behind her.

Finally she saw it. An open door, with music coming from inside, the gentle sound of people gossiping, talking. Without a moments hesitation, she ran inside, she hoped to find shelter, a place to finally rest a moment.

Inside the inn she quickly glanced around, not seeing anything suspicious. They did not pay any attention to her, it seems that women running inside was a common sight for them. She could finally let her guard down and take a deep breath.

If only had she looked to her side..."
Post edited September 24, 2013 by KneeTheCap
By the way, if anyone here would be interested in having an editor, me's good wit english and punxuation and would be happy to look things over and make suggestions.
DieRuhe: By the way, if anyone here would be interested in having an editor, me's good wit english and punxuation and would be happy to look things over and make suggestions.
You know English like the hand of your back?
Just out of sheer curiosity, do those small texts show any signs of promise? I know my english isn't the best, but those are translated from my Finnish text, so...

Also, do you think I should write this in English? Could be a good practice, no ?

I haven't written much in a while, but I do really like writing. I've won NaNoWriMo every year for the past 4 years now. :D
KneeTheCap: My biggest flaw is that I often feel that what I write is either:

a) stupid
b) poorly written
c) a pile of clichés
d) all of the above

Psyringe: Let others decide that. As the author, you have a unique relationship to the material you produce, which makes it impossible to gauge its quality in the same way as a reader would. Usually authors _over_estimate the quality of their output, but the opposite is also true, more often than one might think.
I've actually encountered more self-deprecating artists than not. Especially visual artists, for some reason.
Post edited September 24, 2013 by Gazoinks
I've always enjoyed writing. I remember every Friday in the third and fourth grades, our spelling homework was to, over the weekend, write a story utilizing the spelling words. I actually liked those assignments. I think I was even the only kid in my class to have several connected stories (I think in the story I entered the Bionicle universe and became a Toa).

The next "major" piece of fiction that I wrote was in the sixth grade. It was based on a dream I had and it was pretty horrible. Still, that story kickstarted a creative streak for me. All the way up until I started high school, I started several different stories. The only one I finished took place in the Star Wars universe. It wasn't that great, and the ending was incredibly rushed, but it was satisfying to finish it.

Nowadays, most of what I write is nonfiction, that is to say, mostly essays and the like. If my grades are anything to go by, I'm actually pretty good at writing them. However, I'd love to write more fiction, I just have sit down some time and actually do it.