RayRay13000: Since we're getting into what we would like from Nintendo here's what I would like from them personally:
-Drop region locking completely
-Give their other IPs (Mother, Metroid, F-Zero, etc.) some actual new games
-Or if that's not good enough or possible (for whatever reason) create some new IPs
-Localize certain games worldwide (
X (Successor to Xenoblade)) without the need of something similar to Operation Rainfall
-Actually get third parties onto your platforms (no Ninty, we need more than the ones that are still with you like Square and ones that made a contract with you like Platinum)
-Remove hardware tied purchases and replace it with an account based system
-Keep backwards compatibility for future consoles and handhelds
-Actually figure out an online system for multiplayer without the use of Friend Codes or anything similar to that
-Stop the Content ID thing on YouTube
Feel free to add on to that. I like Nintendo and all, but I'm not blind enough to say they're perfect and have no flaws.
-Drop useless figureheads who do nothing for the company.
-Loosen the chokehold that NCL has on other regions.
-Don't make non-management into management. Iwata and Shigeru were just fine where they were before.
-Make your contracts a bit less draconian.
-Consider buying out companies that are clearly attached to you already. (Sega and some second party.)
-Consider dropping out of the stock market.
-You have a massive system to guarantee backwards compatibility and profit. Use the Virtual Console. And don't drip it either.
-Grow with your consumers. Using the Fleeting Demographic can only last for so long if parents don't think that Nintendo games are worth it, since they're the ones paying.
-Grow with your consumers. We aren't children anymore, and you are no longer a new entry to games. Stop treating both like children.
-Grow with your consumers. We wouldn't mind seeing more E10+ and above games, rather than the same 'safe for kiddies and christians' shlock. Live a little!
-Communicate with your consumers. Remember that awesome forum you had? That was better than Miiverse will ever be. Bring it back. You'll get more than the ear.
-Grow with your consumers. Don't hire a man that look like he fell out of the worse part of the 90s management and was raised in New Jersey.
-Don't falsely embrace the west. Speaking slow and broken engrish is cute, but you'd get the point faster in your own language.
-Don't meddle in the affairs of a country you have no idea of the culture of.
ET3D: Nintendo is the most innovative console company, hardware-wise. For that alone I hope it stays around.
...I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'll have to reattach my bottom, it fell off during a spasm of laughter.
This is the same company
embraces the idea of using lateral development, right?