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Elmofongo: I am serious and forgive me if this mention before becauseI feel it deserves its own thread. Do you guys want to see nintendo end up like THQ, collapsing and giving away their IPs to other developers.

What will your reaction be?
I think sometimes it is the best to let an old friend go. Nintendo has kept nothing of the spirit that made it so great and like George Lucas and Star Wars, Nintendo doesn't seem to understand anymore what made them awesome in first place.
It would be very sad to see them go, but I think it would be best to just stop this Mario Reboot nonsense.
Elmofongo: I am serious and forgive me if this mention before becauseI feel it deserves its own thread. Do you guys want to see nintendo end up like THQ, collapsing and giving away their IPs to other developers.

What will your reaction be?
bansama: Yes. In fact, I'd love to see the entire Japanese gaming industry go kaputt. Then, just then, the survivors may actually start listening to their customers here, instead of constantly ignoring us while ripping us off as much as possible.
Interesting, to wish dead for the complete insdustry! (I assume you mean the existing structures?) Could you go into detail, as "insider" of the japanse market? The japanse market/protagonists dynamics (company, customer,publisers etc ) is a big mystery for me....I just have the feeling it works "slightly(?)" different there ...
I want Neotendo
Elmofongo: Do you guys want to see nintendo end up like THQ, collapsing and giving away their IPs to other developers.
Nope. Beyond that, Nintendo's fate is in its own hands.
zlep: Personally I'm glad the Japanese companies listen more to their own market than ours.

EDIT: Lol. Just realised you're in Japan, which gives a different context to your "customers here" comment. Apparently game companies everywhere ignore their fans equally. ^_^
Yep. Japanese publishers do not want to hear from their customers in Japan. While Sega, Nintendo, etc., all provide avenues for customers the world over to interact with their customers, they don't in Japan. Sony, very reluctantly, provided limited social interaction following that whole PSN hacking fiasco - and only did so as the government demanded it as a requirement of them being able to resume the PSN service.

Square have consistently ignored requests for them to release certain games here and now that Wada has left (he's the only reason we get some of the games on Steam here) that isn't likely to ever improve.

And well, need I even mention Capcom? There's a reason they only have ONE game on GOG. Capcom Japan refuse sell games on the PC - they hold the rights to several PC titles seemingly specifically so they don't get sold -- it doesn't matter how many customers ask for them, or even if the developers, etc., want them sold - Capcom don't care.

So yes. I want the market here to crash. And to crash hard. Of course for that to happen now, there needs to be another government intervention in the social trading card game (gambling*) market.

* FYI, gambling is illegal here.
bansama: Yes. In fact, I'd love to see the entire Japanese gaming industry go kaputt. Then, just then, the survivors may actually start listening to their customers here, instead of constantly ignoring us while ripping us off as much as possible.
shaddim: Interesting, to wish dead for the complete insdustry! (I assume you mean the existing structures?) Could you go into detail, as "insider" of the japanse market? The japanse market/protagonists dynamics (company, customer,publisers etc ) is a big mystery for me....I just have the feeling it works "slightly(?)" different there ...
Overpriced everything, high reliance on physical retail sales, horrible licensing issues which cripple and delay digital releases, general stupidity. Gathered from bansama posts. You get a very faint smell of it every time Sony, Capcom or some other highly Japanese company screws up with a Western release.
shaddim: Interesting, to wish dead for the complete insdustry! (I assume you mean the existing structures?) Could you go into detail, as "insider" of the japanse market? The japanse market/protagonists dynamics (company, customer,publisers etc ) is a big mystery for me....I just have the feeling it works "slightly(?)" different there ...
As a mere customer, not really. But basically: publishers don't care what we want. They don't listen. Distributors, don't care what publishers want. They don't listen - Square once tried to sell PC games retail. Distributors wouldn't send the games to stores and stores wouldn't stock them.

No one understands the concept of lowering prices. A game that released at 7000 yen 5 years ago, is still 7000 yen today - take Sleeping Dogs on Steam as an example. Had a price drop to $25 or equivalent everywhere else. In Japan, it's still $80 (and given the worsening exchange rate, has actually gone up in price). PC games get it even worse. Publishers - when they do manage to get retail releases - only state "open price". So stores can literally charge whatever they want. And that's usually over 10,000 yen. Worse, despite flat-lining wages and declining bonuses, the government wants prices to increase!
Tantrix: I want Neotendo
I want Bentendo.
No, Nintendo is still capable of making good games and is good with PR, though I wouldn't be too sad if they went the way of Sega.

Now if you asked me if I want Capcom to die...
shaddim: Interesting, to wish dead for the complete insdustry! (I assume you mean the existing structures?) Could you go into detail, as "insider" of the japanse market? The japanse market/protagonists dynamics (company, customer,publisers etc ) is a big mystery for me....I just have the feeling it works "slightly(?)" different there ...
bansama: As a mere customer, not really. But basically: publishers don't care what we want. They don't listen. Distributors, don't care what publishers want. They don't listen - Square once tried to sell PC games retail. Distributors wouldn't send the games to stores and stores wouldn't stock them.

No one understands the concept of lowering prices. A game that released at 7000 yen 5 years ago, is still 7000 yen today - take Sleeping Dogs on Steam as an example. Had a price drop to $25 or equivalent everywhere else. In Japan, it's still $80 (and given the worsening exchange rate, has actually gone up in price). PC games get it even worse. Publishers - when they do manage to get retail releases - only state "open price". So stores can literally charge whatever they want. And that's usually over 10,000 yen. Worse, despite flat-lining wages and declining bonuses, the government wants prices to increase!
At first I thought you meant "Big japanese companies over-use *national preference* and neglect their home-customers" like it was (is?) the case in France with french cars (I don't know if it's still true, but for a long time it was cheaper to buy french cars in Germany than in France for example ...).
In fact it seems that japanese gaming industry is *slightly* more crooked than that.
I personally want the Nintendo to die and sell all their IPs to Sony (yes to Sony, - not Microsoft, Apple or Google).

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo was a good company, but the decisions the make over the last years just blows:
1. complicated multiplayer system with "friend codes",
2. odd region support (e.g. Russia s#cked b@lls when Wii was released),
3. too many similar games (e.g. New Super Mario Bros. Wii, remakes of old Zelda games),
4. Nintendo points instead of real money,
5. complicated digital store approach (Wii Ware, DSi Ware, Virtual Console, Nintendo eShop).
6. 3DS without second stick, then presentation of an ugly addon, then 3DS revision without a second stick AGAIN!!!
7. Wii U was a slap in a face to all Nintendo fans and to some other decent gamers as well, - it's slower than XBOX360 and PS3 - why???

Maybe I am wrong, but Nintendo management people are plain stupid. And stupidity must be eliminated in business world.
However I prefer if Nintendo will die slowly and in great pain!

P.S. Downrep me if you want, you may have a good reason for your opinion as well.
Post edited May 18, 2013 by Cadaver747
Die? No. I do enjoy seeing them get kicked in the balls every day by bad Wii U news though. I feel they deserve it for how unorganized the company is and trying to rely on gimmicks to push hardware. They hit it lucky with the Wii and DS, so they felt they could do the same again and it has created a massive flop.

They need to modernize the company and business practices. They have no online account system and tie digital purchases to the hardware directly. That is inexcusable in the year 2013. Their games never drop in price unless they bomb like Other M. I like Mario and Zelda, but I'm not buying a portable with $40 games that don't drop. If you wait a few weeks you can buy major console/PC releases for that or less. Their system for getting games approved is laughable. Nintendo of Europe worked out a deal to get Trine 2 for the Wii U, then said they have to ask Nintendo of Japan for permission to finalize it.

Hate EA if you want, but they are right to walk away, along with many other 3rd parties. Maybe after this becomes their lowest selling console by a large amount, Nintendo will try to get things right. If not they can continue looking like a joke.

Cadaver747: I personally want the Nintendo to die and sell all their IPs to Sony (yes to Sony
Sony? When was the last time you had to deal with European PSN? They screw up preorders on a monthly basis, a lot of content comes with regional sales restrictions, they managed to charge people for Deadly Premonition, then tell them that the game is delayed for a few days. If something is released in time there it's either miracle or an accident. And same bullshit excuses by the same jesters every week. Oh, and fuck them for SingStar in particular.