Elmofongo: I am serious and forgive me if this mention before becauseI feel it deserves its own thread. Do you guys want to see nintendo end up like THQ, collapsing and giving away their IPs to other developers.
What will your reaction be?
The topic subject is kinda silly (Do you want Nintendo to die), however, I would rather see them wake up and understand the world they live in. I'd very much like to see them and others with their mind set understand that fans and people that are passionate about their games do more to help them than any marketing tied medium like magazines and sites like IGN can do.
In the early 2000's I would buy glossy magazines to read about games but I did not have very good internet access back then and nor was the web what it is today, a multimedia extravaganza. Back the it was all written word and low res still shots. Now people, reviewers and fans can create their own content featuring the games they like/review and share it with others.
Does Nintendo think that they can control this?! They're mad, bat-shit-crazy, raving lunatics if they think that. They should take a gander at the struggle the *AAs have with pirates. Have those guys managed to control the web? HELL NO! What makes them think they can?! It only shows that they do not understand the web as it is today. I wish they and others like them would.
For F's sake, the PS4 will have the ability to record in-game footage and even stream in-game footage and Nintendo are doing the exact opposite. It's amazing how stupid people get elected in positions that allow them to make such decisions and also sad.