Elmofongo: What will your reaction be?
Gersen: Not really, but honestly I don't really care either way. I was a big fan of the NDS but honestly never managed to care for the 3DS (Mine is taking dust since the day I bought it while I still regularly uses my NDS).
Now that the
Castlevania series is basically dead (and let's not talk about Metroid), and as that was the biggest draw for me to buy Nintendo portable console, I doubt I will buy anything new from Nintendo any time soon.
Personnal I think its ok they stop because 8 games of the same Symphony of the Night formula in a row in enough.
HiPhish: I don't like what Nintendo has been doing this generation, but so far they are the still the least of evils. So, no, I don't want them to die, just get a good hard kick in the butt and start giving a rat#s ass about games the market wants instead of phoning in games like 2D Mario and abusing Zelda and Metroid for insane vanity projects.
EDI: also, more new universes wouldn't hurt either. Thy could use those for their crazy experiments then
Do you know why they made 3 "New" Super Mario Bros. as of late? Because New Super Mario Bros. on the original DS was the highest selling game ever from 2006 to sometime in 2010/11, I kept seeing it on the sales charts in Game Informer still selling like hot cakes for years.