Crassmaster: If you do go with Pandemic, you'll probably find it quite familiar (in a good way) because Forbidden Island is basically Pandemic Lite.
BSG is also excellent, but only with 5 or 6 players. You can play with fewer, but it really loses something.
keeveek: Yeah, I know about that, so I want something really like FI but bigger. So Pandemic it is. For Battlestar Galactica, well, I have a band of brothers and sisters of 6 people, so it will be epic. I know it should be played like that, because the climate of paranoia is bigger then.
Next addition will probably be Munchkin Cthultu with expansions, but later. :P Man's gotta eat too :D
AlKim: In any case, good job finding time to play regularly. More than can be said for us lot, but I guess that gives our board game nights a sense of occasion.
keeveek: I hope it lasts longer. We play every weekend for now (my friends have their own games too), but that probably won't last forever.
as for the Chaos... one day, I most definitely will :P But I guess I shouldn't order it by postal service, so many miniatures with fragile elements...
by the way, I stumbled upon this one very cheaply as well: should I buy it if I like short / dynamic games from time to time ?
Don't worry about anything happening to minis during shipping. I get most of my games from online sources, so they have to be shipped. I have NEVER encountered any issues with damaged minis during shipment. Most board game minis are made of softer plastics, so they have enough flexibility that they really aren't fragile.
And I agree with AIKim...Chaos in the Old World is awesome. You need it. :)
Actually, if you're looking to add to your collection while money's a bit tight, there are a LOT of free to download, print and play games on Boardgamegeek. Obviously you'll still need access to a printer, but it's an option.