I miss local LAN support. People don't realize that STABLE broadband is still not around everywhere you go. I live TEN WHOLE MINUTES outside of one of the largest metropolitan areas in the US, and our cable goes out all the time. We live in a neighborhood with above ground cabling, so stuff just happens to it often. Bad weather, squirrels chew through lines, car crashes into poles, etc. AND, I have a roommate and we both play a lot of the same games. We enjoy playing co-op games together. Do you know how retarded it is to have lag when you're sitting less than 5 feet away from the guy you're playing with? It's just stupid. AND, not only that, but how retarded is it to not be able to even play a game that requires internet (when it goes out) with your buddy when you're sitting right next to each other?
As far as I'm concerned, Blizzard and their thoughts on always-online (like with Diablo 3) and anyone else who feels that always-online is the way to go, can pretty much die in a fire. Twice. And then some more. =)
I haven't supported Blizzard with a single dollar of my money since they released Diablo 3, and I have no intentions of ever supporting them again unless they get rid of their current leadership that is completely out of touch with what gamers want (stuff like, 'every game should be online and have an aspect of socializing', in other words, every game should be an MMO - players definitely don't want every single game to be an MMO). I miss Blizzard North =( Blizzard-Irvine just isn't the same Blizzard we all knew and loved in the past.
Post edited October 30, 2012 by Qwertyman