GoodGuyA: Evil moral choices are always
stupid moral choices.
I want a game that makes me not feel like a total idiot for taking the evil choice.
I'd really love to play evil in a game, but I have yet to see it done. All the "evil" choices in games are about being brain-dead sociopaths that make one-dimensional characters look rich and nuanced. Depictions of "evil" insult my intelligence. Evil in popular culture is always presented as the stupidest thing imaginable, which is completely unrealistic. Most would agree Hitler was evil, was he stupid? Was he incompetent? Did constantly fail at everything he did? I could rant forever on this subject, but instead I'll offer a solution for devs.
I don't believe in
objective good and evil. I think morality is in the eye of the beholder. As such, I think a way to present "evil" in a game is to dump the infant definition and present it as one of several possible perspectives. Take politics for example. There are conservatives and liberals, and various others. Who's evil? Depends on who you ask. Some people support abortion, some oppose it. Who's evil? Depends on who you ask. Imagine a game where you played supporting either lib or con goals. No labeling of good or evil, just different styles. Players could choose whichever suited them best.
In short, have games with different factions. For example, A is the status quo. Supporting them will keep the region stable but perpetuate suffering of minorities and abuses of the aristocrats. B are the rebels. They will shake things up and bring justice to those that have been denied, but will cause a lot of deaths and supply shortages, possibly starvation. C is another kingdom that might make things better, or make them worse. And so on.
No good, no evil, just different possibilities. Of course gamers could argue which faction is "really" good, but if the factions are all flawed and imperfect (like in reality), then no clear consensus would be reached, which would let players form their own opinions. And IMHO, make for an interesting and refreshing portrayal of morality in a game.
FAR better than kicking bunnies because, y'know... evil.