AFnord: Has anyone figured out how the fortune cookie "randomization" works? When I don't know what I want to play, I just hit it a few times until I get something that looks fun, but it does seem like games repeat themselves far too often for it to be true randomness. Usually it feels like it is just cycling between a few games. It varies what games it cycles between, but the same few games will show up enough times each session for it to not feel like true randomness.
We're humans; truly awful at judging randomness. We're pattern-seeking mammals that identify non-random sequences as random, yet seldom notice the opposite. If backloggery were random, you would expect the same game to pop up often. Indeed, in each round every game has the same chance of popping up, so there is no reason to see an even spread of games after many clicks. If you clicked 1000 times and put the results on a graph, you would see clusters of results rather than a uniform distribution. iTunes, on the other hand, is a prime example of not being random shuffle because it ensures there are no repeats for a while. The shuffle feature would be really f*cking irritating if it actually "shuffled" the songs with true randomness :)
That being said, I don't know how the backloggery works. It's probably broken and your complaints are justified ;)