summitus: Hmmm OP is behaving .. Oddly .... ?
...... Oddworldly perhaps :)
GameRager: Am I? hmm......
Detlik: I can think only of Sheogorath Daedric Prince of Madness but mainly because I think I live in Skyrim now...lets see I guess it would from whole GOG catalogue Fallout 2 because there is that awesome bridge keeper from Monthy Python that was acting oddly
GameRager: I've been to mad and back many times, because of my fragile mind. But is that the right guesscercization? We will see in a bit maybe.
And btw, where was this man in Fallout 2? Behind the rabbit? ;)
Cleidophoros: Good thing I am Beyond all this nonsense.
Carry on gentlemen.
GameRager: Cheerio, old chap. Pip pip.
Barnell: . I’m so lost in this form it is like my anthropology class all over again, I’m just going to sit here and smile and ponder the meaning of the word Guesscercization. Ahhh maybe some coffee will clear my foggy mined.
GameRager: How does one MINE foggy exactly?
Also keep on guesserzesting everyone. You still have TIME.