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For some reason I love to watch horror films in the long, hot, sleepless summer nights. The only rpoblems is that I think I've watched them all, all that are worth watching anyway.

Anyone has some unkonwn gems of the genre to recommend?

In the meantime, I'm inmensely enjoying Alone in the dark, and so can you if you don't already have it.


Greetings from Spain
yonazzan73: For some reason I love to watch horror films in the long, hot, sleepless summer nights. The only rpoblems is that I think I've watched them all, all that are worth watching anyway.

Anyone has some unkonwn gems of the genre to recommend?

In the meantime, I'm inmensely enjoying Alone in the dark, and so can you if you don't already have it.


Greetings from Spain
Yes, I love horror movies in summer. Thank you for Alone in the dark!!! :)
Hmm, a few seconds too late. Congrats, Suzaka. I've always preferred the old Dracula movies with Peter Cushing. Also the NightStalker movies.
Cinemax late friday night horror flicks are a blast to watch
congrats Suzaku-Sama and +1 for you,yonazzan73
I enjoy watching horror films during long summer nights, short summer nights, winter nights, spring, fall, at night, during the day, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm nervous when I'm calm, when I'm in a box with a fox, in a house with a mouse.

Get my point? Horror films are like pizza: even when they're bad they're still pretty good. :D
This reminds me, 2013 Hellraiser Marathon awaits me :)
Novotnus: This reminds me, 2013 Hellraiser Marathon awaits me :)
1 and 2 we're great. 3 was blah. After that I lose track of the numbers but the Craig Schaffer one was okay however the internet one was total shit if for no other reason than the fact that it had NOTHING TO DO WITH HELLRAISER!
tinyE: 1 and 2 we're great. 3 was blah. After that I lose track of the numbers but the Craig Schaffer one was okay however the internet one was total shit if for no other reason than the fact that it had NOTHING TO DO WITH HELLRAISER!
Hellraiser and Hellbound - masterpieces!
Hell on Earth - campy slasher with some nice touches (Elliot's backstory)
Bloodlines (one about origins of the box and LeMerchant family) - less campy slasher with some potential and some really lame parts)
Inferno (Craig Schaffer) - interesting new formula, but lame morality lessons in the end.
Hellseeker (one about Kirsty's husband) - nice elaboration on the new formula; really liked this one for all that crazy shit going on.
Deader - interesting, but lacks backstory for some non-Hellraiser paranormal stuff that's going on so it's a little confusing.
Hellworld (the Internet one) - all it does is insulting Hellraiser fans (like, that party is meant for hardcore Hellraiser fans and they all are idiots) and using totally impossible plot twist.
Revelation - it was made with almost no budget and it shows... but has some redeeming factors. Like, it's the first Hellraiser sequel that was written as a Hellraiser story from the very beginning since Bloodlines :)
Also, you can check the first eight issues of BOOM! comic series - it's a nice conclusion for Hellraiser and Hellbound.
Any great horror films that have come out this year or last year? In case I've missed some. Horror is the one genre that seems to have more crap than others... I'm more keen on psychological horror, not slashers (although I did enjoy the remake Evil Dead)
DProject: Any great horror films that have come out this year or last year? In case I've missed some. Horror is the one genre that seems to have more crap than others... I'm more keen on psychological horror, not slashers (although I did enjoy the remake Evil Dead)
If you enjoyed new Evil Dead, try Cabin in the Woods - pretty decent post-modern horror.
If you want something really good - I'm affraid you'll have to look into the past of the genre :)
As a Bruce Campbell fan, I have two suggestions:

You probably know about it, and/or have seen it, but Evil Dead 2 is great. Its not an outright slapstick comedy like Army of Darkness, but it still doesn't take itself too seriously either.

Then there is Buba-Hotep. Its not for everybody. A description would make it sound like a ridiculous comedy, and it sort of is, but its also very serious at times. Its really hard to describe this one, as its so unique. Its a low budget independent move, so don't expect much in the way of special effects. Do however expect to see something different.
DProject: Any great horror films that have come out this year or last year? In case I've missed some. Horror is the one genre that seems to have more crap than others... I'm more keen on psychological horror, not slashers (although I did enjoy the remake Evil Dead)
The Lone Ranger :P
tinyE: The Lone Ranger :P
Every time I see Johnny Depp in that hat I take him less seriously. Makes me think the movie may not be all that good given how often I've seen it promoted so far.
MobiusArcher: As a Bruce Campbell fan, I have two suggestions:

You probably know about it, and/or have seen it, but Evil Dead 2 is great. Its not an outright slapstick comedy like Army of Darkness, but it still doesn't take itself too seriously either.

Then there is Buba-Hotep. Its not for everybody. A description would make it sound like a ridiculous comedy, and it sort of is, but its also very serious at times. Its really hard to describe this one, as its so unique. Its a low budget independent move, so don't expect much in the way of special effects. Do however expect to see something different.
As you said, it's definitely not going to appeal to everyone, but damn I love this film.
tinyE: I enjoy watching horror films during long summer nights, short summer nights, winter nights, spring, fall, at night, during the day, when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm nervous when I'm calm, when I'm in a box with a fox, in a house with a mouse.
Pretty much what I was going to say. I've been watching horror movies more or less constantly for over 25 years, and I still don't feel like I've "seen all the good ones".

@OP: In my Halloween Giveaway from last year, I asked people to recommend horror movies to me, and there were a lot of good suggestions. You might want to check it out if you're looking for ideas.