Seeing as I haven't pirated a single game since the C64/Amiga days (kids don't have much disposable cash, you know)... nope, not at all. Once I got into PC gaming I actually started taking pride in actually owning games, even if I was able to obtain a copy of game X from one of my brother's friends. Naturally, my brother thought I was bit weird.
My brother hasn't changed much to this day in this regard. He actually pirates more than ever now: movies, music, games. Sure, some stuff he actually pays for, but he doesn't care for paying for a lot of it, which is quite peculiar when you take into consideration that he has a rather decent income within the ~$60k net range (biggest breadwinner within my immediate family). I don't even make a third of that yet I still insist on buying the things I want. In a way I wouldn't be surprised if I appreciate said items more because I really worked for them instead of checking off movie/game X or Y on torrent list Z. It's funny, that even with my limited budget I still have more games than I have time to play. Thanks, GOG. =P