Crosmando: I don't see any harm in pirating a game if it's no longer being commercially sold, I mean who the hell is going to scour ebay for some second-hand copy at some outrageous price?
I did even that with a couple of games, at least the Journeyman Project Trilogy and The Dark Eye. I just felt I had to get them, and paid premium price for them, even though I had to buy them overseas (both from Ebay I think). I think they were not second-hand though, but shrink-wrapped, e.g. the person selling The Dark Eye apparently had several shrink-wrapped copies of it.
I remember The Dark Eye purchase quite well because I happened to order it (from Ebay seller) just before the 9/11 WTC attacks. When the guy was supposed to send the game to me, US mail offices were apparently blocked for some time due to the WTC attacks, and I was getting nervous whether I should pull back my credit card payment, even though the seller promised that he had sent the game already, I just didn't receive it. I did, eventually.
So I guess that is my primary personal memory of 9/11. PC gaming related, go figure.