Psyringe: Let's just say I'm astounded.
So perhaps you have a better understanding of the distance between us and why I'm very surprised in turn. : )
I've never played Civ4 or any of the GTA. I'm familiar with the Tetris theme, but find it irritating; I don't wish to hear it more than I have to (that goes triple for Super Mario). As for
Baba Yetu, I found it a bit... repetitive. It did remind me very much though of
, which is alright. I do like the Morrowind theme a lot, and came across this not long after the game: [url=]Morrowind - The FInal Stage (I'm amused by the video portion that comes with this). It never occurred to me there might be more remixes and never looked for any. It was only just now looking for an online copy of the song that I see there are several more.
And to share another game song I like, there's
Majesty 1.
I listened to the songs MarioFanatic and ShogunDarius shared and didn't hear anything I liked (thank you though). Let me be clear, it's not that I dislike game music, or find it worthless. It's just that nothing GRABS me such that I want to hear it outside the game. I hear the music on the main screen, I hear it during exploration, I hear it during battle... that's really quite enough for me. I may enjoy a movie or TV show, but I don't want to watch them over and over and over.
"Also, please note that many of the people who are interested in soundtracks, like to get them in a better format than that provided in-game. "
I hadn't considered this.
Fenixp: And there's also
Warrior within soundtrack. See? Lyrics.
This is in-game? Not fan-added for the vid?
Telika: I'd suggest to play the game first actually (I generally prefer to discover soundtracks in context), it's one of the best videogames ever for many reason, its usage of background music is one. If not, I suggest the whole soundtrack,
I heard poor reviews of Persia, so I'll look for some music later.
timppu: Here are three examples
Only the first one, Crysis 2, did I find halfway decent, and even then mostly the first third.
"Let me ask you this:"
I had piano lessons when I was young yet my mother was tone deaf, if that helps. I don't listen a lot, mostly because local radio doesn't play much that I like, and that's really all I can listen to while working. I used to use Pandora while at home, but I haven't used them in a while, and don't really miss it.
There are some songs that really move me, and I've cried many times over certain songs. Here are a few that have affected me in some way:
Bring Me To Life (Evanescence) As The Rush Comes (Motorcycle) Incredible Hulk theme - Lonely Man (???) The Last Unicorn theme (???) Honorable mention:
Sin City theme (forget who, but the vocal version sucks) Because Of You (Kelly Clarkson)