grinninglich: This was also exactly my experience last night. I said it is true yet you people still insisting not to believe it. Plus downrating my first post about this truth. You guys really have problems.
Ok you didn't like reality. Let me tell you a very good tale. There is not a single problem with GFWL on Bulletstorm. It just lets you play the damn game. With or without internet. On top that if you haven't got an internet it supplies you an internet connection for free! And if you are good boy it pays your bills too.
I think you're the one who needs a reality check.
I don't think anybody doubts that you (and quite a few other people) had trouble with GfWL when trying to play Bulletstorm.
But several other have also clearly said they had no problem getting the game to work, either online or offline.
Just because it happened to you doesn't mean it would happen to everyone, and it's no reason to make a thread claiming that nobody should buy Bulletstorm.
And the reason you were downrepped was that you were extremely rude to anyone who dared to suggest that maybe the problem wasn't as widespread as you claimed, or that you may have been doing something wrong.
Anyway, you need to chill out and stop being an asshole, please.