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low rated
Wishbone: Are you aware that you are linking to a post from February 2011? It's just that you act like this is recent up-to-date news.
Helloooo Mr. Genius 2! You didn't read my post too. Yes, this is an old post but i had the same experience last night as i wrote in my first post.
grinninglich: Helloooo Mr. Genius 2! You didn't read my post too. Yes, this is an old post but i had the same experience last night as i wrote in my first post.
ok, I usually don't downrep people, but I am starting dowreping you now because of how you deal with people and your language.
low rated
amok: I had the same problem first time with Bioshock as the man in the link describes, but after 5 min tinkering I figured out how to do offline profile....

If this is your warning then you might just add - don't buy Bioshock, don't buy Batman Arham Asylum, don't buy (insert GfWL title here).... or just get on with it and work out how the offline profiles work, after all you do know you are getting a game which uses GfWL, don't you?

edit: old news are old
And number 3! I would do it if it was doable you fools. I own Arkham Asylum and City and never had that kind of problem. This is specific to Bulletstorm. This game is Always-Online!
StingingVelvet: Also use an offline profile in GFWL, it's not rocket science.
grinninglich: Well genius it is clear that you didn't read the link i posted. You didn't read yet you make comments like you are very wise. Rocket science my ass! It doesn't work you dullard.
GameFAQs is this way, dullard. You've worn out your welcome here as far as I'm concerned.
low rated
Sorry but you are all ignorant fools. And dowrating my posts. Wow. Do as you please i have no more work here.
grinninglich: Helloooo Mr. Genius 2! You didn't read my post too. Yes, this is an old post but i had the same experience last night as i wrote in my first post.
No, you did not write that in your first post. You described the experience, referencing a very old post from another forum. You did not write that you had personally experienced the same thing. Since English is clearly not your first language, I won't hold it against you that your post was unclear, but conversely, you should not hold it against anyone else that they misunderstand what you are trying to say, when you do not express yourself clearly.

Additionally, you'll find it a lot easier to get friendly responses if you learn to argue in a civilized manner. Resorting to name-calling is an excellent way of getting everyone to stop taking anything you write seriously.
grinninglich: Sorry but you are all ignorant fools. And dowrating my posts. Wow. Do as you please i have no more work here.
If you behave civilly you may not have been downreped.

Ignorance is a bliss, especially if one ignore checking out games which are two years old now and complaining about it afterwards, it is not exactly news you have been presenting. I tend to do a two min google before I buy anything, just in case there may be something wrong with it. But what do I know, I am just dullard #3. /shrug
low rated
grinninglich: Helloooo Mr. Genius 2! You didn't read my post too. Yes, this is an old post but i had the same experience last night as i wrote in my first post.
amok: ok, I usually don't downrep people, but I am starting dowreping you now because of how you deal with people and your language.
Sorry but your dealing and language is awful. Cause you(not just you that is all "you" that answered me) even don't know to read a post and respect. I always make my search before posting in forums. So i saw there is no Offline Profile in Bulletstorm that i made a thread.

But instead of searching GFWL in Bulletstorm you people quickly reply with wiseguy comments "Do offline profile, not a rocket science, your info is outdated etc... "

No, it is not. As i wrote in my first post i bought the game last night and faced the same issue.

I surprised because didn't have this problem in Batman games.

I searched the internet for solution for Offline Profile to no avail. No one couldn't do it. There is only one way but this is a workaround and impractical or maybe doesn't work everytime that plugging the internet off after connecting to your profile.

After all i posted here. After all that telling me to make an offline profile or do a search seems very funny.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by grinninglich
Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.
Never liked Bulletstorm for quite a few reasons. Mainly, it's a linear shooting gallery with barely any strategy or tactics involved. Yes, you get points for nice kills but it quickly becomes dull anyway.

Yesterday I decided to install the 10 year old Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force FPS. Guess what: I had 5 hours of great fun and it reminded me why modern FPS are mostly shit:

- no shitty mouse smoothing
- no console derp duuuuurp deeeeeeeeeeeeerp
- very fluent and fast controls
- lots of great guns that actually have many different uses
- no scripted sequences every 2 feet that ruin the tension. There's scripted events but these really feel part of the game and not cheap like those of modern FPS
- it's much faster in pace

When playing modern FPS, I just cringe at half the stuff I see. They want to be a movie so badly, that they forget about creating a fun experience.
grinninglich: Well genius it is clear that you didn't read the link i posted. You didn't read yet you make comments like you are very wise. Rocket science my ass! It doesn't work you dullard.
StingingVelvet: It works because I did it, and always do it with GFWL games.
Oh yeah? Really? Then tell us and we learn too. Come on.
Aningan: Would have gotten that bundle if the games would have registered on Origin. As non-US I prefer games I can register on other clients.
All the games register on Origin.

Bulletstorm GFWL keys are now accepted in the client. I activated the copy I bought in January last night. :D
SimonG: Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.
I've been wondering for a while about that. What's that from?
SimonG: Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.
staticblast: I've been wondering for a while about that. What's that from?
[url= ]From an old sage and oracle. [/url]It is been kept in use in his reverence.
SimonG: Bulletstorm was the first shooter that actually tried to change the concept of shooters after over ten years.
I'm actually interested: What is that dramatic change? That you got points for doing crap? I mean it's an interesting concept by itself, but I wouldn't exactly call it 'changing concept of shooters,' it's more on the level of adding an interesting feature. A feature that, at least in my case, quite simply couldn't hold the entire gameplay for me.

It got called true successor to Duke Nukem 3D, but god damnit, when will people finally realize that fairly open level design was a huge part of it!
SimonG: Thank you for your time and attention. Let this be a lesson to all of you.
staticblast: I've been wondering for a while about that. What's that from?
...aaand we went full circle. Excellent.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by Fenixp