Kristian: I am really bad at games and hence a huge fan of Auto Dynamic Difficulty. Scott Miller has a great blog post about it
Yuck. That post is so full of designer arrogance that I really wish I hadn't read it. He advocates taking control away from the players, taking _options_ away from the players, and lying to the players, and all this because in his glorified megalomania he believes that he, as a game designers, knows better how I'll enjoy a game best than myself. As I said, Yuck. Capitalized.
Kristian: If it is not obvious in the first place that blog post should make it clear that there are bad and good ways to implement such a system.
The "good way" is to allow the player to turn it off. Which Miller strongly advocates against, since it would make the player aware of the ADD system, which Miller doesn't want. So allowing a player to turn that feature off would give away the secret. Again, Yuck.
Kristian: Personally I only recall completing three games in my favorite genre, FPS. Those being Quake 1, Duke Nukem Forever and Bioshock Infinite. I spent perhaps upwards of 40 hours before I managed to complete DNF and to this day I still haven't completed the single player DLC. This was on the easiest difficulty level. Why should games have to be a frustrating experience for me? I stil haven't been able to finish the 2nd level of Duke Nukem 3D.
Why do you need a _hidden_, _mandatory_, _dynamic_ difficulty system for something that could easily be achieved by just allowing you to set a game's difficulty to something easier than currently available?
Kristian: Personally though I feel like a ADD system should be supplemented with what is essentialy a *PERSONALIZED* difficulty level. So if someone like Fatal1ty were to choose "Easy" he would die on average every X minutes(or hours or whatever) and if I were to choose that difficulty level I too would die every X minutes and the same with say a hard difficulty level, only with X being smaller in that case.
That sounds needlessly complicated for something that could easily be achieved by allowing players to set the difficulty in wide ranges. But yeah, Scott Miller in his glory as a game designer believes that we players are too stupid to choose a difficulty level that we would enjoy ...