lowyhong: I take back what I said about the simple stealth system. Shit turns out to be more complex than I imagine. There's
definitely light involved. In the High Overseer assassination, the guard could see me across the courtyard when I was standing in light. The fact that one of the loading screens also says "Shadows affect enemies' ability to see you, but only at a distance" or something like that confirms it.
I'd say the stealth is well fitted to the game. Light plays a part (yeah, it just changes how close guards need to be to see you, I believe), footsteps play a part, you can throw things to distract guards, the AI has several alert states, trying to do nonlethal takedowns involves a time risk... it's not quite as intense or complex as Thief (not that Thief was particularly complex), but then sneaking isn't all the game is about either. They did a good job building the game around the mechanics and it doesn't feel noticeably simplistic IMO.