Ralackk: Gremmi is there any way to tell easily if a drive is in PIO mode and not reading discs or properly screwed? I managed to get starforce on my computer a long while ago after installing Restricted Area, it wasn't until after the drive stopped reading discs I figured out I had a game with Starforce.
Edit: Nevermind, I figured out how to check what setting the drive was running on. It's on DMA so It's probably just broken.
Have a go at physically removing and reinstalling the drive, ideally with different power and data cables. POSSIBLY a reinstall of your IDE controller driver would help too.
Also, 3 stars? Bastard!
Advice from Microsoft:
To enable DMA mode using the Device Manager
Open Device Manager.
Double-click IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers to display the list of controllers and channels.
Right-click the icon for the channel to which the device is connected, select Properties, and then click the Advanced Settings tab.
In the Current Transfer Mode drop-down box, select DMA if Available if the current setting is "PIO Only."
If the drop-down box already shows "DMA if Available" but the current transfer mode is PIO, then the user must toggle the settings. That is:
• Change the selection from "DMA if available" to PIO only, and click OK.
• Then repeat the steps above to change the selection to DMA if Available.