StingingVelvet: Saw this on prominent gaming journalist Jeff Gertmann's formspring and thought it would be good for commenting on:
Q: remember when videogames became big dumb action movies?
A: They always were. The difference is that the hardware is finally powerful enough to make those ideas look just about as big as they are.
StingingVelvet: I disagree.
I don't think it's not just a matter of the hardware. An episode of Extra Credits really nailed it when the point was raised that many people working in the industry are frustrated film directors, or people who would much rather be doing cutscene/cinematic work than actual work on gameplay.
It makes sense given that a lot of AAA titles seem to be more leaning towards small gameplay sequences dropped in between extended QTE/cutscene sequences. I mean, I watched TB's video of the single-player campaign's jet mission and it was ridiculous. What kind of game designer gives you a cool, high-intensity action mission by putting you into a Super Hornet and then promptly turns you into a passive button-pushing monkey? And Telltale's infamous Jurassic Park game is even worse.
I think this is the real bane of the big budget gaming industry. One where game designers seem to fancy themselves more film makers and would rather deliver a "game" that's less an engaging interactive experience for the player and more a fulfillment of their whimsical dreams to make movies. The result is a product that's more for the edification of the creators than the players.