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Speaking of Fate, I was never able to install the game without it getting auto deleted by MSE saying it was a virus.

The company seemed kinda shady so I always wondered. Was it legit? I never got to play it.
Ixamyakxim: Came in to check my "forum reply light" and well...

this got really dark really fast ;) What the heck happened? And a lot of post edits to boot!
What happened was I spent 20 hours with a game I wanted to finish. I did research on builds to make. I made something which was recommended on a guide. That cost me the playthrough, my sanity, my clarity, common sense and I lost half a pound. I feel better now. I don't know if I should replay Diablo 1 though.
Bummer Valdain :( I'm sure it's small consolation, but here's a +1 for your troubles. I HATE when that happens though - I've had a few games I've LOVED right up until "that point" - and that point is just this brutal, controller throwing, FU moment that not only ruins the game but my night as well.
tinyE: I don't mean to start a fight here but I beat him and I am the poster child for sucking at games.
well looks like someone is trying to take your spot :P
Ixamyakxim: Came in to check my "forum reply light" and well...

this got really dark really fast ;) What the heck happened? And a lot of post edits to boot!
valdaintheking: What happened was I spent 20 hours with a game I wanted to finish. I did research on builds to make. I made something which was recommended on a guide. That cost me the playthrough, my sanity, my clarity, common sense and I lost half a pound. I feel better now. I don't know if I should replay Diablo 1 though.
be happy you lost some weight and learned how to use the internet
Post edited May 10, 2014 by Aveweto
valdaintheking: So diablo 1 sucks
Diablo 2 sucks
Diablo 3 likely sucks. The whole fucking series is one gigantic tom cruise abortion.
This is definitely the most hilarious thing I've read today!
Like the devil himself has taken hold of you or something... but it is true that these games can be frustrating. It's aggravating when one dies in a game that is almost offensively simplistic in nature but somehow there's little farts running around that can 1 hit kill you, and those annoying sarcophagi that have a bad case of mummy diarrhea and so on.
I'm a calm person in real life but those porcupines in D2 hell mode... that's just insulting. I don't want to be killed by random rodents minutes after bravely and easily smiting down Nightmare Diablo. Blizzard probably does this stuff on purpose, the most puny monsters cause the biggest trouble, Diablo himself didn't really bother me much in D1 or D2 but the seemingly random overpowered sh*ts that get you when you don't expect it, they could make the Dalai Lama go nuts. Finished Act 5 on hell with one of my characters just yesterday and even at level 86, I have to run away from those porcupines when there's too many.
In D2, there's nothing that can be done about it except for doing MF boss runs over and over until some usable items drop, seems to be the whole point of the game: the fruity loot loop. Diablo is basically Pachinko with an RPG interface.
It's possible to finish those games with mediocre gear but you'll automatically find yourself grinding for better gear. If I had only cleared all areas exactly one time, I'm not sure if I could have made it all the way through, not with certain builds anyway.
Hmm... I never really had any problem beating Diablo 1. The end boss isn't too bad. you just have to kite him if your using ranged and fill up your inventory with tons of pots, as much as possible.

The only character I ever had a problem with was the monk in the expansion, for some reason I just could not beat diablo with him so I ended up using a trainer =P
Sooo... Rogue. In meele. You do realize you have your strength capped as compared to fighter and attack at like 50% of his speed, right? :D If you suck with a bow, you don't play a rogue :-P

Briareos262: Hmm... I never really had any problem beating Diablo 1. The end boss isn't too bad. you just have to kite him if your using ranged and fill up your inventory with tons of pots, as much as possible.
Yeah, Diablo is easy. I was actually repeatedly disappointed in what a wimp he is, and I didn't even use any online tutorials or walktroughs to build my character - it did take some experimentation tho.
Post edited May 11, 2014 by Fenixp
I could never get past the rhino creatures in Diablo 1 with my mêlée character. They would just bum-rush me and I would take massive damage and die. Right now I'm playing the new Diablo 3 (post patch 2.0) and I started out on Normal but after Act 1 had to turn it up to Hard because I never got below 60% health on Normal. I still haven't died on Hard and really is seems like Normal is Easy and Hard is Normal. I don't know why Blizzard went with that naming of the difficulty settings but maybe it is to make console kiddies feel better about them selves for beating a game on Hard? But why not just name it Easy and be done with it? I suck at games and I don't mind turning it down to Easy from time to time but just call it that in stead of that other nonsense PC.
Post edited May 11, 2014 by jepsen1977
I killed Diablo on my first try as Warrior and I honestly had no fucking clue what I was doing throughout the entire sodding game.
jepsen1977: I could never get past the rhino creatures in Diablo 1 with my mêlée character. They would just bum-rush me and I would take massive damage and die. Right now I'm playing the new Diablo 3 (post patch 2.0) and I started out on Normal but after Act 1 had to turn it up to Hard because I never got below 60% health on Normal. I still haven't died on Hard and really is seems like Normal is Easy and Hard is Normal. I don't know why Blizzard went with that naming of the difficulty settings but maybe it is to make console kiddies feel better about them selves for beating a game on Hard? But why not just name it Easy and be done with it? I suck at games and I don't mind turning it down to Easy from time to time but just call it that in stead of that other nonsense PC.
I don't even remember the rhino creatures, I guess I didn't have trouble much. Anyways as for the new difficulty on D3, I completely agree it really didn't make sense to redo that part. However I imagine they had to rework that so you can choose your own difficulty level instead of having to progress from normal to inferno, level by level. I honestly didn't mind that at all, as I usually don't jump around difficulty levels and progress them like the OCD addict I am.
valdaintheking: Yeah, he's not possible to defeat in my game. He always triggers the block animation instead of hitting my rogue. I very rarely hit him but sometimes I can hit him 3 or 4 times with my hammer. I do 35-50 damage and have 200 health with 92 armor. 30% resistance to all elements. 100% chance to hit.

I honestly spent 2 hours fighting him and going back to level 15 with town portal.

In diablo 2 he was at least hard but able to beat. I enjoyed the rest of my experience with game so I got my money's worth. Maybe blizzard should make a repatch and make him possible to beat for MOST people.
Golems, the trick is in to summon a golem an attack it since is distracted with the golem.
valdaintheking: So diablo 1 sucks
Diablo 2 sucks
Diablo 3 likely sucks. The whole fucking series is one gigantic tom cruise abortion.
valdaintheking: All the old games suck big time. Maybe the developers of diablo 1 should make a game that is good. So far torchlight 1 sucked too. Torchlight 2 probably sucked. Fate sucked. So they are basically not even human beings. They are diablo the lord of terrible games. Muahhahahah I am satan, give me your Christians so I can baptize them with salty balls and sodomy.
valdaintheking: The only old game that is a little old that has been epic since day one is Baldurs gate 1 and 2. The rest are crap. This whole fucking site is a big joke.
valdaintheking: Its not my fault they ruined my weekend. The whole fucking mother's day weekend is over because they fucked it up.
Well, that escalated quickly O_o

My advice? Get out in the fresh air more often. Don't let a video game drive you so far around the bend that you can see the back of your own head.
Nice to know that an old PC game from 1997 that is relatively harmless can cause this person to have a breakdown and have his/her's Mother's Day weekend ruined.
You just need to grind more. That's entire secret of playing Diablo.
? diablo was pretty easy with both the builds i played it was way easier with the warrior had great equips , but if you can find a windforce bow for the rogue he goes down pretty quick. using the rogue without a proper bow against diablo is quick death due to the caps on him
having a huge amount of fire resist is the key surviving against him
Post edited May 11, 2014 by liquidsnakehpks