orcishgamer: I never understood the appeal of pvp in D2, first of all, it was mostly griefing and second of all even people who only pvped just got duped items off eBay (or duped themselves).
There was a lot of suck in WOW pvp, even back when it was fun (well, mostly fun), but at least they always had a progression and skill could trump gear.
The whole economy in that game was ruined by duping as was pvp. Duped, Zod runed, ethereal gear took care of that. Not to mention the lol-bowazon-pierce-plus-homing-arrow crap with that stupid crossbow (I may be off on the names of the skills) or other cheese combos that they didn't fix for ages just made the whole exercise pointless.
I did quite a bit of pvp back in the days of 1.09, and while there was certainly quite a bit of griefing going on in public pvp games, there were still some good duels to be found and it could be quite a bit of fun with a good group of people. I pvped quite a bit with a barbarian, but much more with a sorceress, and while I'd still often get my ass handed to me by many of the top duelers with high-end equipment (good assassins were brutal), I could still hold my own against many of the league duelers, and could usually wipe the floor with most of the pvpers that could be found in pub games. And this was using all self-found equipment.
I also have to say that the zons you mentioned ("Burizons", named after the crossbow), were particularly amusing to duel, as the crossbow was popular among amateurs due to being common and exploiting the guided arrow+pierce bug, but had a ridiculously slow rate of fire (at least compared to some of the bows available). This made it pretty trivial to simply dance around all their arrows with my sorc and take them out at my leisure. I also used a different build than many pvp sorcs during that time, forgoing a maxed out Thunderstorm in favor of some points in Hydra, so when many amazons would resort to turtling in a corner after being beaten once or twice they'd get a bit of a surprise when I tossed up a couple of fire hydras right next to them. Some good times there, and some very fun duels when playing against more skilled opponents (and team duels could be particularly fun with a good group... I still remember a paladin who used javelins and absolutely rocked in team duels).
Of course, towards the end of 1.09, when things moved beyond simple duped items to the "ITH" and "white" items, that basically completely did away with any possibility of dueling with legit gear outside of any league environment (and most leagues were either composed of people running bots 24/7 when they weren't dueling, or leagues with very stringent rules designed to "balance" the game... usually heavily in favor of a few particular classes that the people running the league just happened to favor). I never really got back into D2 once 1.10 came out, so I have no idea what the dueling environment ended up being like then.