hobbes543: I will say, TQ and Torchlight kept me glued to my seat where D2 never could. Well, TQ did until I got to Cerberus in the expac. For what ever reason I just couldn't beat him.
DarrkPhoenix: I've suffered more deaths to that bastard than any other boss in TQ. Basically unless you have maxed poison resistance you're looking at instant death from most of his attacks.
Yeah, he's very nearly unfair as a boss. I actually was playing co-op so it was a bit easier.
Fenixp: Heh, I totally HATED Titan quest - it's slow, there's no random world generation which makes consequential playtroughs incredibly boring and it looks ... I don't know, kind of bland. So saying that it kicked Diablo's ass on all fronts is an exaggeration.
jcdenton11: The random world does make a difference on future playthroughs, I could run the first half of TQ with my eyes closed more or less. I did love the multi-classing aspect, it made for some good experimentation that gave it more replay value.
I think D2, Hellgate: London, and reputably (never played it) Loki, showed how worthless random areas are, especially when the gameplay doesn't hold up. Oh look, a stupid area with the exit right next to the entrance! Since most people did 1 of these 3 things 95% of the time random areas meant crap all, 1) raced to kill Mephisto, raced to kill Baal, or raced to kill Pindle.
As for looks, really? The D2 team openly admitted Act I looked like crap, and was "dull" (their exact words at one point, iirc), because it was the first area they created and they never went back to it, regardless of its later financial success. The game launched at a horrid resolution and the expac bumped it up to something just slightly less horrid (800x600, gee thanks Blizzard!).
No one, and I mean no one, plays through Act 3 with a new character, they all beg for a rush to the final area, because Act 3 is one huge slog through a neverending jungle, with annoying little shits that run away at half life.
Really, I do wonder about the nostalgia people have for this game. Like I said, I'm a big fan of the story, it's good, though if it wasn't for the original, D2 alone wouldn't have drawn me into the story.
In TQ you have so many more varied areas. There are plenty of static mob spawns, but they use their own equipment (so if they randomly spawn a Magic Mace of Pwnage, they will use it on you). I used to think random areas were the cat's meow for replayability, until I played a good game that didn't have them. Then I realized that I'd misread what was replayable about the game.