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I guess I have to agree with the RPS verdict, although it seems like they've only played Normal difficulty and not experienced Hell and Inferno, but for everything else I guess I agree:
cw8: I guess I have to agree with the RPS verdict, although it seems like they've only played Normal difficulty and not experienced Hell and Inferno, but for everything else I guess I agree:
Well I know that people claim that 'that's the point,' but I personally just don't enjoy playing the same game as the same character 3 times in a row, even if difficulty raises dramatically.
cw8: I guess I have to agree with the RPS verdict, although it seems like they've only played Normal difficulty and not experienced Hell and Inferno, but for everything else I guess I agree:
Fenixp: Well I know that people claim that 'that's the point,' but I personally just don't enjoy playing the same game as the same character 3 times in a row, even if difficulty raises dramatically.
for some weird reason I have flashbacks involving Ghosts'n'Goblins right now....

John: It kind of makes me resentful of the huge amount of time I’ve put into a crappier version of what the game contains.
He's probably got a point here. Why not let people play on higher difficulty right out of the box, character progression will always be the same anyway, so just give them some generic equipment, appropriate level and it might make the game less tedious
oldschool: Bumping my own thread for further discussion, yes, i know that's a bit selfish, but after seeing unbelievable scores posted by professional reviewers like Polygon, Giant bomb, Eurogamer Portugal, Joystiq, and RPGamer score this game 100% I guess that mean that games like half-life 2 should be 150% or above. Even my beloved PC Gamer scored it at 90%. I guess this finally proves that review scores are bought and paid for.
Fenixp: That's bullshit. If nothing else, Diablo 3 is a very solid and fun game, it's just far from my or your personal preferences. Some people didn't enjoy half-life 2, you know.
SimonG: Well, I personally consider Half Life 2 medicore at best...
Fenixp: You ninja bastard.
Half-life 2 was just an example. I was just trying to point out the true folly of game reviews.
oldschool: Half-life 2 was just an example. I was just trying to point out the true folly of game reviews.
And you also missed my point. Sure, the game is overrated (as most AAA titles,) but not so badly. Diablo III is a solid game, for most people.
oldschool: Half-life 2 was just an example. I was just trying to point out the true folly of game reviews.
Fenixp: And you also missed my point. Sure, the game is overrated (as most AAA titles,) but not so badly. Diablo III is a solid game, for most people.
Just about every hyped game is overrated. There are no "perfect games". It is all a matter of preference. But Blizzard has ever since Warcraft been known for solid, high quality releases, so I doubt that Diablo 3 will be worse than other overhyped games.

Ha, pressed F5 before posting. No ninja'ing me you sneaky bastard!
oldschool: Half-life 2 was just an example. I was just trying to point out the true folly of game reviews.
Fenixp: And you also missed my point. Sure, the game is overrated (as most AAA titles,) but not so badly. Diablo III is a solid game, for most people.
I agree that it's a solid game, but perfect? I dont think there has been a game yet invented that meets that criteria.Yeah, some where i guess i did miss your overall point, my bad.
SimonG: Ha, pressed F5 before posting. No ninja'ing me you sneaky bastard!
But I wanted revenge! Sweet, sweet revenge!

oldschool: I agree that it's a solid game, but perfect? I dont think there has been a game yet invented that meets that criteria.Yeah, some where i guess i did miss your overall point, my bad.
And half-life 2, just to take your example again, has got overall score 96%. Does it deserve it? i don't think so. Everyone reasonable just removes about 20% from rating of any AAA title. I think we all know that's just how reviewers work, whatever the actual reason is.

bought game magazine ratings are not really very objective i think. So i do not care about ratings a long time. Half life 2 was good. I do not like shooters very much, because of the strange motion sickness i get, but i did play hl2 in one session. As long as a game is fun the rating is 100% for me. When the fun drops i stop playing.

Do only belief in ratings you bought yourself.

Have a nice day.
torqual76: Hello,

bought game magazine ratings are not really very objective i think. So i do not care about ratings a long time. Half life 2 was good. I do not like shooters very much, because of the strange motion sickness i get, but i did play hl2 in one session. As long as a game is fun the rating is 100% for me. When the fun drops i stop playing.

Do only belief in ratings you bought yourself.

Have a nice day.
Good advice. I guess i was just being naive. Why did they change general chat? Now i'm stuck reading all the damn spams ads for quick gold and expert leveling. /facepalm

Oh, group stash is rather nice, i totally forgot about it in my review.
Right click -> Leave channel

You're welcome.
FraterPerdurabo: Right click -> Leave channel

You're welcome.
True, but everytime i change characters i have to do this, it's kind of annoying.