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oldschool: 4. Holding down the left mouse button relieves index finger stress. No ore clicky click.
I'd class this as a disadvantage, seeing as the manic clicking was the closest that some of the players ever got to exercise.
delboy2k10: Dont like the camera much and dont like pressing the Z key as thats pretty useless
Love the music, like the voice acting (cain still sounds great and brings back memories)
Interesting that you mention that, I was playing hellfire with someone the otherday in preparation for d3 (i am one of those actually crazy people who like d1 better then d2 :) )

As it turns out the Z key is in hellfire and diablo 1, in reality it is pretty much useless for my sorcerer and probably with a warrior too so I guess not much has changed there. (It doesn't work for d2 though)
Post edited May 29, 2012 by cpc464
DodoGeo: These two go hand in hand. In D2 people would have 3 Paladins or 2 Barbarians replaying to create different builds.
When you hit lvl 60 in D3 you have everything unlocked, absolutely no reason to replay that character.
FraterPerdurabo: I don't think you've actually played the game, have you? There's no way in hell (or normal / NM / inferno) that you can finish A1 in one hour. No fucking way.
Diablo 2 or 3 because if 2 then maybe if you skipped the tower quest then you could speed run it? (Diablo 3 no chance in hell though)
romulus16: Diablo 2 or 3 because if 2 then maybe if you skipped the tower quest then you could speed run it? (Diablo 3 no chance in hell though)
I was referring to Diablo 3 indeed.
In Diablo 2 all you needed to progress to Act 2 was the Andariel kill so technically you could just beeline it to her once you had Teleport / Enigma, which would probably take ~10min.
I haven't played the game, so I can only judge by what I read here. But from what I've read on the other threads, people are spending huge amounts of time in that game on act 1 alone. And while it might be possible to finish the whole game in 20 hours, I would say that this isn't "playing the game".

Speedruns are fun, but not the way a game like D3 was intented. Especially when I play a game for the first time, I either take my time and enjoy it, or I abandon it. But I don't rush through them.

That time estimation just looks weird. Is there a tracker like in Steam or is it a guess?
azah_lemur: Ad. 4 - That is actually a good thing. The vast majority didn't play characters other than a specific 'build". You'd probably never make a melee sorceress based on str in D2 or an int barbarian. Why would you? Also now the stats can be modified extensively by gear.
Ad. 5 - Same as above. Skill trees only made character creation more rigid and most players never chose any skills past a specific build. And (pre 1.13) a mistake in point distribution often ended in a poor character that can't do much.
This here is the exact reason why I found Diablo 3 incredibly boring. See, I love my skill trees and stats. I know I'm in minority here, but every time I started a new character, I was excited about new skill and stats combinations I thought of, and wanted to try out how they work. In D3, you just get ... Everything, and no real freedom over it. It won't let me repeat my meele sorceress or other crazy shit I was toying around with in D2.
SimonG: That time estimation just looks weird. Is there a tracker like in Steam or is it a guess?
There is an overall tracker.
Also, the clock is always displayed in game so you can approximate how long you've been playing for.
Fenixp: It won't let me repeat my meele sorceress or other crazy shit I was toying around with in D2.
But, you can. Just find gear that is appropriate for that build.
Elenarie: Technically, when you play alone, you are in an instance that is created by the server just for you. Call that single player or not, your choice.
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
Elenarie: But, you can. Just find gear that is appropriate for that build.
Well yes, I've had to do that in D2 too. And choose appropriate skills and stats, which made it far more fun. Yes, I enjoy toying around with numbers on some occasions.
Elenarie: Technically, when you play alone, you are in an instance that is created by the server just for you. Call that single player or not, your choice.
StingingVelvet: If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
The duck's some sort of a ninja duck. It disappears right in front of you at times when u call for it, for like 2 hours at times or 8 hours, possibly shitting duck feed, before returning.
Fenixp: In D3, you just get ... Everything, and no real freedom over it. It won't let me repeat my meele sorceress or other crazy shit I was toying around with in D2.
Really have trouble understand this. In D3 you get every skill, and complete freedom. You're limited in the number of skills you use, and that's it. It allows total freedom to experiment with any build that you'd like.

The only argument I see is that you preferred it when you were pegged into that build for the characters life and were punished severely if it turned out ineffective.
Can't really blame Blizzard for people getting malware on their computers, especially since they give away authenticators for free (if you have a mobile phone) or at cost if you don't. People just suck at securing their computers.

I really liked the graphics, it looked like a 3D painting.

Overall, I disagree with points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15 (I don't really like PvP, *especially* in a game all about the loot). The game is only completable in 20 hours if you only consider normal difficulty the only one worth playing.

My main complaint about how much you absolutely need to use the auction house in hell/inferno, especially considering the fact that it's been having serious reliability issues. Farming loot isn't nearly as fun as it was in Diablo 2 (I could achieve a near zen state doing mephy/baal runs).

While it wasn't a surprise, the lack of features on bnet still disappointed me (compared to Starcraft one). No public chat channels you're dumped into by default, which were tons of fun, no naming games, no choosing games from a browser, no ability to message all of your friends. It's way harder to just relax and chat with all of your friends. Achievements were nice, but the rewards were somewhat boring and I would rather have the missing features (most of which are trivial to implement) than achievements.
Post edited May 29, 2012 by PoSSeSSeDCoW
Pheace: Really have trouble understand this. In D3 you get every skill, and complete freedom. You're limited in the number of skills you use, and that's it. It allows total freedom to experiment with any build that you'd like.

The only argument I see is that you preferred it when you were pegged into that build for the characters life and were punished severely if it turned out ineffective.
I do know they're wildly different genres, but to me, it's like all your skills upped by 20% every time you levelled up in Fallout, and you could only choose 3 to use at any given moment. Make of that what you will.
Post edited May 29, 2012 by Fenixp

Diablo is not for anyone. Love it or hate it. You can not play diablo 3 in 20 hours through. Only with RMAH online and several thousand dollars you could equip your character with very good equipment but then you should use this equip to beat inferno. This is not to be done in 20 hours.

Always online for an online game. How dare they those blizzardians. the heart of Diablo is about coop gameplay not singleplayer. If you want a good single player experience play Skyrim or world of warcraft.

The loot is good, you have to farm to get good things. A very oldschool aproach where you actually have to invest some time to get nice things. Not like wow where you could predict what bosses are dropping. You can equip a wow maxlevel char in less then a week full epic. The same is not possible in Diablo 3. And this is a good thing.

The action game play is very good. Try a coop session in inferno or hell. Its fun like hell.

Balance issues. Old rpg or action rpgs where about finding out what classes and skills are op. Its good that some skills or classes are out of balance. That is the fun to play them.

Getting hacked when buying gold on thrid person sites is blizzards fail, i agree. When people are hacked innocently that would be a shame. I don't know wether its blizzards fail or the people's getting hacked but hacking is the scourge of the internet era. Cut the internet connection to all hackers!

I do think that diablo 3 is not the right game for you. For me it is the best action rpg in a long time. More fun then all the other diablo 2 clones.

Have a nice loot