FraterPerdurabo: Re the price - if there's a midnight launch in your area, you can typically get it cheaper. SC2 was about 10 quid less at the midnight launch in London. I'll definitely be going to the D3 one as well!
kavazovangel: There was a midnight launch event for WoW: Cataclysm. The price was higher than the one on Blizzard's EU online store.
I expect to be the same for Diablo 3. It appears now that Sendit have lowered the preorder price to 29 pounds.
Hm, I'll see. I'll probably still go to the midnight launch. I need a date though. Screw standing for hours by myself.
Starkrun: anyone else notice all gold was shared between every char you made?
Yes and the blacksmith's training is universal across all chars as well!