Blizzard proved that they actually are horrible at game security with Diablo 2. They also refused to support it after release, WOW didn't used to get that much support at times and it had ongoing payments to fund it!
I'm not surprised they see this as the easiest way to avoid the issue (I'm sure they'll reuse The Warden or whatever).
They already killed LAN play, what they're saying is:
1) Only official modding
2) No local saves, even if they can never play online
3) Biggest cash grab ever
I've been saying for awhile that D3 would be bad. The videos are gorgeous (as always with Blizzard) and clearly they have people who know how to write a story (and then leads that fail to get the story into the game in any meaningful way beyond sporadic cut scenes), their hype machine is top notch (again, as always), the fanbase is at a fever pitch, but the game won't be good. The classes are mix and match from the previous games, the ways we used to play D2 at LANs are gone, you will ONLY be able to play at latest patch level, even if they screwed up your Corpse Explosion Necromancer beyond playability, ah screw it, if you can't list 10 more yourself you really don't care and will buy it anyway.
I'd like to see a Blizzard financial failure just once, they are so arrogant.
KavazovAngel: Yes it can. Judging by Starcraft 2's guest mode, the full single player experience will be free.
Nice sensationalistic 'news' there, this was known at BlizzCon 2009.
It was known there'd be no local saves back then? Are you sure you're not conflating the lack of LAN play with no offline mode/local saves?
StingingVelvet: When they started banning people’s account for cheating in Starcraft 2, an act which prevented installing the game and authenticating for OFFLINE play, I said they had gone too crazy at protecting their game. People laughed that off… well now they’ve gone a whole other step.
People say this a lot about DRM but I never have.. they just turned a purchase into a not purchase. I will not buy this game even though I want to. Will I pirate it? I don’t know. I have honestly never downloaded a game I never bought before… I will have to struggle with my morals on that one. I likely will not, which makes the whole thing even more of a bummer.
I give us even odds that they reverse this though.
Well, you can always say "If it's ever for sale in my area I'll buy it." As you say it's only for rent just now:)
StingingVelvet: When they started banning people’s account for cheating in Starcraft 2, an act which prevented installing the game and authenticating for OFFLINE play, I said they had gone too crazy at protecting their game. People laughed that off… well now they’ve gone a whole other step.
KavazovAngel: That wasn't really cheating though. There are official cheat codes released, but those banned were modifying the game which could have possibly effected online play...
.. and we all know at what level Starcraft is on the eSports scene.
They could have DQed those accounts from ladder play without taking away their legally purchased games. Even if they had good reasons (which is debatable) doesn't mean their method of fixing it was okay, I might have reason to punish my dog from peeing on the rug but beating him half to death would not be an acceptable solution.