Vestin: I don't know what would please people in this case. An "offline mode" similar to that in SC2 ? With your character locked out of achievements, auction houses, etc while also denied for eternity from entering ? That would be a totally separate "branch" of this game that would have so many limitations with only a single advantage - you'd be able to play while offline... or if Blizzard goes under.
Yes that is exactly what I want. Diablo 2 did it, I don't see why I should accept Diablo 3 having less value.
Vestin: What I'm trying to say is - not everything's black and white. If you present the facts in a certain light, for example - say it's AODRM and post Blizzard rep's surprise as his response, people will be easily swayed to say "He couldn't figure out that we hate DRM ? What kind of a moron is he ?". When you look from Blizzard's perspective, however... you have to ask yourself "How can Diablo 3 be awesome ? What's fun about playing it ? How can we implement our ideas using the tools we have ?". It's simple to realize that Diablo 2 isn't still played just because people love the single-player experience and replay the campaign OVER and OVER for... how long - a decade ? No - they play it to find loot, have fun with friends and trade, among other things. So that's what Blizz focuses on - the big picture. The goddamn temporal perspective - they want to make a game that people will want to play for years to come.
No one is denying this. Adding all these online features will make the game better for multiplayer gamers. The problem is they are also cutting out the offline mode and characters. There is absolutely nothing about the online stuff that makes it impossible for them to have offline support as well, just like Diablo 2 did. The reason they don't is because they want to force customers to be online, to play by their rules and be exposed to their post-sale money making content and to hopefully stop some piracy. That's it, there is no other reason.
I do not like to be inconvenienced as a consumer by corporations forcing control on me when it does not benefit me at all, or is not needed.
Vestin: I won't mind Diablo 3 being an online game just like I accept that I have to be online to play Team Fortress 2. That's just THAT kind of game.
Except TF2 is really online only while Diablo and Diablo 2 had rich singleplayer gameplay.
Vestin: It IS hard to draw the line but I think it's wrong to cry foul every time something requires Internet access. In my eyes - some things SHOULDN'T (like adventure games), some CAN (like Diablo 3), some have to (like MMOs). What people should encourage are more games designed with offline play in mind... and better, faster, more reliable Internet access (said Vestin after five failed YouTube uploads in a row) ;].
The problem is that this game selling a ton of copies means other publishers will say "people don't mind always online requirements." They won't make the distinction of Diablo 3 being more multiplayer focused than other action RPGs, they won't say "well it's Blizzard they can do what they want and we can't." None of that is true, what they will say is "consumers accept this!" This is exactly what Willits is saying, the success of Diablo 3 will further this as a common thing.
Purchasing Diablo 3 therefore becomes a vote for persistent online DRM in all games. It becomes a statement that says clearly "I do not mind this." I cannot make that statement, I cannot vote for it. I honestly think it would be more moral to pirate the game then buy it under those circumstances, not that I will be doing that either in all likelihood.