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Metro09: Obviously the big brewhaha here is the always on DRM but, quite frankly, I can live with that. What concerns me more is the cash shop (which basically enables gold sellers with Blizzard cutting themselves in on the profits) and this:

There are no skill points or talent trees at all, which marks an interesting diversion in the series. Cheng says Blizzard did a lot of testing, and found that the number of choices players made wasn't as important as which choices those were. "Would you rather have one percent bonus crit that you choose five times, which is a system that we could have gone with, or would you rather just pick one passive and say I'm good at critical hits?" asks Cheng. "Would you rather make 20 small decisions or three big ones? What we find, especially when it comes to defining your character, is that three big ones is more interesting and compelling."
Metro09: Astonishing. The question of DRM is secondary to me when the game itself isn't worth playing at all.
Yeah, it seems shady, I don't like it.
hedwards: Locking down the singleplayer game has nothing to do with the multiplayer experience.
Miaghstir: It does if people are retarded and want to take a single-player character online rather than creating it online to begin with (hint to them: play in password-protected games and you can be alone even with your online character).
“One of the things that we felt was really import was that if you did play offline, if we allowed for that experience, you’d start a character, you’d get him all the way to level 20 or level 30 or level 40 or what have you, and then at that point you might decide to want to venture onto But you’d have to start a character from scratch, because there’d be no way for us to guarantee no cheats were involved, if we let you play on the client and then take that character online.”
I'm going to have to call BS on that. There's absolutely no reason why they couldn't have provided players with a singleplayer only option. And for a significant number of folks, that singleplayer account is never going on line.

There's also no reason why they couldn't have provided the player with an option to opt out at the beginning.

Either way it's BS that has nothing at all to do with the Singleplayer game, it's more about Blizzard telling folks how they can play in singleplayer.
TBH, I really don't care about D3 now. I played D1, Hellfire, D2, LOD till I was sick of them. THEN, played every Diablo clone I could find over then next decade.

The lack of LAN, single player, always on-line are unacceptable to me but . . . if D3 had no on-line requirements, still had LAN and only a disk check . . . I would be only slightly interested. Old news? Samo-Samo? I just can't get excited about the game after all these years . . . =)

Also, thought I would burst into flames and die a smoldering death for not buying SC2. Instead . . . I saved some dough and feel fine?? Go configure . . . =D
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I find it interesting that people are focusing on the symptoms, and not the cause.

If you:
1) Don't have single player
2) Don't have a LAN mode

then it stands to reason that you need to have an Internet connection to play. I find it odd that people aren't lamenting the lack of single player mode, but instead that for a multiplayer game without LAN support, you need an Internet connection.
Well said.
StingingVelvet: All I want is a list of exes on a web page dammit! I don't want social networking! Arg!
How did you get that? :D
jdyer1012: It doesn't have Single or LAN modes, BLIZZARD SHALL BE PURGED *grabs Space Marine Armor* FOR THE EMPEROR
So it doesn't have SP and LAN... So what?
Also, I just lost every respect I have towards Rock Paper Shotgun... They praise Steamworks for even single player only games, yet they bash Blizzard for this... 'well' done, guys at RPS, 'well' done.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by KavazovAngel
Well, looks like I'll be passing on D3. Interestingly, despite D3 being a game I was looking forward to, this doesn't really bother me at all. One of the advantages of a huge backlog and lots of gaming options, I guess.
KavazovAngel: Also, I just lost every respect I have towards Rock Paper Shotgun... They praise Steamworks for even single player only games, yet they bash Blizzard for this... 'well' done, guys at RPS, 'well' done.
They did that with some other stuff before... complained about things Steam does. I think it was Games for Windows Live. They were like "omg it uses a client" and "omg forced activation" and such. I was like HELLO STEAM! WTF!

That said I do not think these are as comparable. Steam has a (barely) functional offline mode. Steam also allows you to turn off all the community shite and pretend it does not exist.
StingingVelvet: That said I do not think these are as comparable. Steam has a (barely) functional offline mode. Steam also allows you to turn off all the community shite and pretend it does not exist.
And you can always disable Real-ID. Besides, people need to know your Battle.Net email for it to work anyway.

And you can do a '/dnd' in WoW so that nobody would be able to contact you.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by KavazovAngel
KavazovAngel: And you can always disable Real-ID. Besides, people need to know your Battle.Net email for it to work anyway.

And you can do a '/dnd' in WoW so that nobody would be able to contact you.
I was more talking about the PC Gamer interview where it is stated you cannot be invisible and play as if you were offline in Diablo 3. Their advice was "tell people you're busy." Also, offline mode.

In the end what this is all about is that Diablo 3 is now a multiplayer only game, even if you can solo it. It's pretty much the same thing as the coming Neverwinter game. It's less the online requirement for these games I hate and more the ditching of true singleplayer. It's not that people don't play singleplayer, they do, it's just that companies want to force us to go online so they can control us and sell us shit.
Is there a Guest Account like in SC2 where I can play the whole game offline?
cw8: Is there a Guest Account like in SC2 where I can play the whole game offline?
No. PC Gamer asked them point blank if there was any way to play the game offline and were told no.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: I find it interesting that people are focusing on the symptoms, and not the cause.

If you:
1) Don't have single player
2) Don't have a LAN mode

then it stands to reason that you need to have an Internet connection to play. I find it odd that people aren't lamenting the lack of single player mode, but instead that for a multiplayer game without LAN support, you need an Internet connection.
StingingVelvet: Well said.
You're right, they gutted the game of features there was no reason not to have. The same goes for Dark Spore, imo, as well.
cw8: Is there a Guest Account like in SC2 where I can play the whole game offline?
StingingVelvet: No. PC Gamer asked them point blank if there was any way to play the game offline and were told no.
I'll look at the price then, if it's ridiculous, I'm skipping the game.
the game looks more like a mmo now :X wth were they thinking, dont they care about lag free,good frame rate rpg gaming which is why i prefer the single player :X nobody wants to run the bosses in hell difficulty and die due to lag or disconnection :X oh and the players on bnet are jerks just wait till a couple of them level faster than you and get better equips..they will join public games for just player kill or just ruin the game by killing everything even before you get there :X
sigh......i was hoping to play diablo 3 to death till i found a lightsabre .....
it comes as no surprise to me that drm will stop me bothering to play this game