Navagon: <didn't want to do a big quote, read the above post!>
Andy_Panthro: I don't think they ever had a fresh approach. The game appears to play exactly like the previous games, with the changes being cosmetic for the most part (3D, possible colour changes, potions removed).
They're catering for the fanboys because there are plenty of people still playing Diablo 2 on They want all these people to buy D3, so will make and market their game accordingly. Their other key market is pulling in WOW players.
They appear to be doing something similar with Starcraft 2, which to my untrained eye looks just like a graphically updated version of starcraft.
Indeed - though I've seen very little of D3 (that is, less than SC2), both do seem to be very much their respective predecessor in 3D. And that's one of the reasons I'll be buying both of them.
I do enjoy the Diablo series' arcade hack-and-slash simplicity, but if it does get an upgrade in its storytelling (with side quests, more choices in dialogue, in-game cinematics, etc), that's not a bad thing as the story is what I feel has been lacking (even though it deviates a bit from said arcade simplicity).
Starcraft has better storytelling, but anything to make that even better is a good thing in my book (up-close-and-personal shots, in-game cinematics, less of the talking heads and more interaction between the characters in the briefing room... yeah), also the less-linearity should be interesting to see.