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Awesome looking game! It kind of makes me think of a roguelike, except with a ton of great new ideas and tweaks to create something unique.

I run a tiny blog, and I'm working to launch a series where I write up a bit each week or so about a relatively unknown indie game that is in beta or just launched. I've been trying to round up interested indie developers, and managed to get a few on board with the idea. Once you get to the testing stage, if you want an extra beta tester and a bit of publicity to boot then let me know via PM. Might be handy to have for the Desura page.

Also you should look at getting an IndieDB page. It's a Desura sister site, so you can kind of sync things up there.
PenutBrittle: Awesome looking game! It kind of makes me think of a roguelike, except with a ton of great new ideas and tweaks to create something unique.

I run a tiny blog, and I'm working to launch a series where I write up a bit each week or so about a relatively unknown indie game that is in beta or just launched. I've been trying to round up interested indie developers, and managed to get a few on board with the idea. Once you get to the testing stage, if you want an extra beta tester and a bit of publicity to boot then let me know via PM. Might be handy to have for the Desura page.

Also you should look at getting an IndieDB page. It's a Desura sister site, so you can kind of sync things up there.
I'll definitely keep you in mind. And I'll look into IndieDB. Extra publicity is never a bad thing!
Nice, best of luck!
jefequeso: I'll definitely keep you in mind. And I'll look into IndieDB. Extra publicity is never a bad thing!
Very cool. Looking forward to seeing it released.

Another thought that jumped to mind: you might want to PM adambiser here on the GOG forums. He's been working on a game similar in scope with a similar release plan, and he's set up on IndieDB and I believe he's planning on Desura too. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out with advice/let you know about the requirements.

Another short post, about the stealth system.

a boring post, but filled with the promise of things to come soon: specifically, screenshots of the new effects (as well as some added visuals), and a playable tech demo.
I will definitely be playing the tech demo.

a boring post, but filled with the promise of things to come soon: specifically, screenshots of the new effects (as well as some added visuals), and a playable tech demo.
hmm I'll have to see if I can find my old AI code at some point *looks at boxes of uni stuff and wonders which of the 2k cd's it's on* it was self generating (genetic algo based) you basicly gave it the game code then let it do it's stuff for a few days was /highly/ experimental (was my uni final project) but took a lot of the boring part out of AI coding in the games it worked for...
Post edited April 17, 2012 by wodmarach

a boring post, but filled with the promise of things to come soon: specifically, screenshots of the new effects (as well as some added visuals), and a playable tech demo.
wodmarach: hmm I'll have to see if I can find my old AI code at some point *looks at boxes of uni stuff and wonders which of the 2k cd's it's on* it was self generating (genetic algo based) you basicly gave it the game code then let it do it's stuff for a few days was /highly/ experimental (was my uni final project) but took a lot of the boring part out of AI coding in the games it worked for...
Now that sounds like the sort of thing that would be really awesome to integrate into a game. Sadly, it's also the sort of thing that I would never be able to understand :(

I'd be very interested in seeing it if you ever dug it out, however. Goodness knows I still have a lot to learn about AI coding :P
wodmarach: hmm I'll have to see if I can find my old AI code at some point *looks at boxes of uni stuff and wonders which of the 2k cd's it's on* it was self generating (genetic algo based) you basicly gave it the game code then let it do it's stuff for a few days was /highly/ experimental (was my uni final project) but took a lot of the boring part out of AI coding in the games it worked for...
jefequeso: Now that sounds like the sort of thing that would be really awesome to integrate into a game. Sadly, it's also the sort of thing that I would never be able to understand :(

I'd be very interested in seeing it if you ever dug it out, however. Goodness knows I still have a lot to learn about AI coding :P
I used it in a game that used the same code to generate the bad guys.

I had 5 each of engines, guns, hulls, shields and armour and gave each good and bad features the code then generated various combinations and gave you a trial of them.
You chose which you prefered to play against and play as.
It then bred them to generate the next set, you could then hit save on the ones you wanted for a level and it would do an AI generation (first 200 gens were automatic so you didn't have to keep replaying) and present you with a level of various combinations.
If you liked the wave you hit the rmb and it was exported to a file.
If you didn't chose any of the AI's it asked you to play again and choose the ones you found most enjoyable for each ship type and went off again...
You could even hit a button and get a text string of data copy paste it and load it on another machine to share the challenge.. I really should dig it out and see if I finished debugging it >.<
I had planned to use it in an MMO one day but my partner fell ill and all my game work is now shelved till she's a little better

::edit:: removed the wall of text >.<
Post edited April 17, 2012 by wodmarach

Some screenshots of the impact effects.

As promised, here's a playable demo. It's not much of a "game" as of yet, but you at least get an idea of the visuals, the technology, and some of the mechanics. Also, you get to see the huge discrepancy between my art and Benji's art :3 (I did the enemy placeholder sprite).

Remember, this is a WORK IN PROGRESS, and as such, there are many elements that are either incomplete or have yet to be added. Such as levels :P
Seems interesting enough and impressive for a game usign the gamemaker engine. Sadly I don't have my mouse on me since it is dead I can't really control my character all that well.
Also does the hand system work with both hands atm or is that WIP?
Post edited April 29, 2012 by MrWilli
MrWilli: Seems interesting enough and impressive for a game usign the gamemaker engine. Sadly I don't have my mouse on me since it is dead I can't really control my character all that well.
Also does the hand system work with both hands atm or is that WIP?
Yeah, it works with both hands.
Looks interesting so far. Any thoughts on a Linux version?