Posted June 02, 2012

I mean in HR's world ventilation shaft and conduits have one and only one purpose, not ventilation or course, no they are only here to allows a potential intruder to easily bypass all your security measures. (Seriously who designed those thing, some futuristic thief guild ).
I am all for alternate routes but they could at least have tried a little to make them a little less obvious and less "common"; there if you had a locked door somewhere you knew that there was 99.99% chance that a ventilation shaft nearby allowed you to bypass it, when it wasn't a ventilation shaft, a cracked wall AND the access code lying on a couch.
Also apparently in the future the best place to put boxes, crates, or even vending machine is in front of said ventilation shaft... you have a 20 meter empty corridor where are you going to put some big ass cardboard box... well of course in from of the only ventilation shaft of the corridor... ventilation shaft which is 2cm from the ground as all ventilation shaft are.
It wasn't my biggest gripe with the game, far from it, and I wouldn't definitely call it "shit" but the nicest thing I am able to say about HR level design is that it was better than IW.
And I still find IW and Deus Ex 3 to still have better level designs than most games. Yes, they may be unrealistic by being too "intruder friendly" but at the same time it does allow more options of how to get through the level. Maybe a lazy way of having multiple options through a level but still better than not going about it at all like most games. I don't play games for realism but for fun so the ventilation shafts being very very very poorly placed doesn't take away from the fun and I still love ventilation shafts no matter how silly the placement of them are.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by marcusmaximus