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orcishgamer: Is that fanboy speaking? Maybe. But I actually think it's more a case that if you're slightly cute and you're standing next to a super model, you'll look drab in comparison. It is a sequel and therefor one cannot help but compare it to the first.
Fenixp: Well considering how butt-ugly many supermodels look, that wasn't a good example :-P
I trust you understood the concept and I don't have to come up with a better one;)
orcishgamer: I trust you understood the concept and I don't have to come up with a better one;)
Well sure, just saying :D
StingingVelvet: It's just weird because those endings had completely different philosophical purposes. Merging with Helios meant using the global communication network to control everyone peacefully while the other ending involved destroying that same network entirely for true freedom. The idea he would do both is... ridiculous, and makes the end of IW feel kind of silly to someone who played the original.

I guess we can explain it away by saying the Helios ending is the "true ending" and somehow the collapse occurred anyway, but... it's weird.
Ah, now i know what you mean. You know, it's possible, Tracer Tong and his group still lived... I think I just assumed a retcon or sth, you know, in case of possible endings, I think you're allowed some manipulation. Maybe Helios changed his mind on things? Maybe by merging with JC his "personality" changed, so to speak?

orcishgamer: But I actually think it's more a case that if you're slightly cute and you're standing next to a super model, you'll look drab in comparison. It is a sequel and therefor one cannot help but compare it to the first.
I don't know, i never had a problem with this, neither with games nor with girls. BTW I played both System Shocks before Deus Ex so maybe it does not stand so high in my list gameplaywise, just story/atmosphere-wise.
I only rented it for the 360, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but the fact that I ended up with a late fee should tell you how I felt about it.

a late fee I ended up with because I played it for about an hour, then took it out of my system and forgot I had even rented it.

I suppose HR as a Dues Ex title wasn't exactly bad, I mean it hit all the right key points to make it a Dues Ex pre-sequil and a lot of the cyberpunk elements were cool to look at.

however HR as a video game sucked ass; the controls were shitty, level design was more irritating than anything else, and the premiss for the game was lacking.

if Square Enix had opted to turn the project into a Advent Children style CGI movie, I'd be shitting bricks about it. as it stands I found playing HR about as enjoyable as I think playing a video game version of Advent Children would be (and I liked Advent Children, but a video game of Advent Children *shudder*).
Sogi-Ya: if Square Enix had opted to turn the project into a Advent Children style CGI movie, I'd be shitting bricks about it. as it stands I found playing HR about as enjoyable as I think playing a video game version of Advent Children would be (and I liked Advent Children, but a video game of Advent Children *shudder*).
You mean Final Fantasy VII? :-P Anyway, I'd like to hear some concrete complaints, and objective. Level design was the exact opposite of shitty, maps very actually very open and interesting. And controls ... well I hated the first - third person trasmissions
looks like I reopened a small can of worms
no I mean a video game of Advent -fucking- Children, the FFVIII sequel film.

level design was shitty; instead of having actual alternate paths through a stage you were presented with what amounted to a limited selection of doors that all led to the same "next room" in the liner progression of the stage. sure the maps were "open" but that was mostly due to them being rather "empty" with a limited splattering of decorations / props and even then what little splattering there was, was only present because it had a direct relevancy to the main character. all in all I felt that the game had been designed as a modern day style cinematic based liner shooter, then in order to make the game cheaper they castrated the main character's movements, firepower, & accuracy so as to disguise the fact that the levels were exceptionally short (for a FPS) and the combat AI was too stupid to put up a good fight.

if you were to rip out the Dues Ex name and associated fan love, "Human Revolution" as a video game would be left as little more than a mediocre shooter with decent artistic design but flawed game play. more than anything else "Human Revolution" reminded me of Red faction 2 with more dialog and intermission Hubs.

Human Revolution as a cyberpunk action / stealth title it pales miserably next to MGS2 (IMO the granddaddy of the modern action / stealth game), as an action RPG is fails miserably.
Sogi-Ya: a late fee I ended up with because I played it for about an hour, then took it out of my system and forgot I had even rented it.
Which makes your criticism incredibly irrelevant.
Sogi-Ya: a late fee I ended up with because I played it for about an hour, then took it out of my system and forgot I had even rented it.
bazilisek: Which makes your criticism incredibly irrelevant.
I only rented it for the 360, so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but the fact that I ended up with a late fee should tell you how I felt about it.
I still thought the game was, while I wont say complete shit, hardly worth the attention it still gets.
Sogi-Ya: I still thought the game was, while I wont say complete shit, hardly worth the attention it still gets.
Well first hour was pretty much a tutorial, lined up for that purpose. I find this trend annoying.
Sogi-Ya: I still thought the game was, while I wont say complete shit, hardly worth the attention it still gets.
Fenixp: Well first hour was pretty much a tutorial, lined up for that purpose. I find this trend annoying.
I actually like a good tutorial, and HR is one of the better ones. I usually don't read manuals due to spoilers and I hate it when I discover a gaming mechanic after 2/3 of the game that I could and should have been using from the getgo....

And having an opinion on a game like DX (any of the three) after playing it for one hour is simply flaming.
SimonG: I actually like a good tutorial, and HR is one of the better ones. I usually don't read manuals due to spoilers and I hate it when I discover a gaming mechanic after 2/3 of the game that I could and should have been using from the getgo....
Well yah, but it gets annoying on more playtroughs. I really liked when games had an optional mission accessible via 'tutorial' button.
Sogi-Ya: however HR as a video game sucked ass; the controls were shitty,
What about the console version controls was shitty? Genuinely curious.
Sogi-Ya: however HR as a video game sucked ass; the controls were shitty,
StingingVelvet: What about the console version controls was shitty? Genuinely curious.
Nah, I played the console version and really nothing was hard to do with a game pad. It's not like the shooting was fast paced and it was hard to aim. HR played fine with a game pad. It was prettier on PC but its art direction actually was pretty clever, it looked stunning even on XBox 360 (another one that managed to pull this off was Space Marine).

Also, HR gets points for having a really involving and long DLC. I can't believe it was 15 USD but it was quite good.
Fenixp: Level design was the exact opposite of shitty, maps very actually very open and interesting. And controls ... well I hated the first - third person trasmissions
Personally the level design was one of my big disappointments with HR, while it wasn't as ridiculously bad as it was in IW it was way too, how can I say, "intruder friendly" to be realistic.

I mean in HR's world ventilation shaft and conduits have one and only one purpose, not ventilation or course, no they are only here to allows a potential intruder to easily bypass all your security measures. (Seriously who designed those thing, some futuristic thief guild ).

I am all for alternate routes but they could at least have tried a little to make them a little less obvious and less "common"; there if you had a locked door somewhere you knew that there was 99.99% chance that a ventilation shaft nearby allowed you to bypass it, when it wasn't a ventilation shaft, a cracked wall AND the access code lying on a couch.

Also apparently in the future the best place to put boxes, crates, or even vending machine is in front of said ventilation shaft... you have a 20 meter empty corridor where are you going to put some big ass cardboard box... well of course in from of the only ventilation shaft of the corridor... ventilation shaft which is 2cm from the ground as all ventilation shaft are.

It wasn't my biggest gripe with the game, far from it, and I wouldn't definitely call it "shit" but the nicest thing I am able to say about HR level design is that it was better than IW.
Post edited June 02, 2012 by Gersen