CaveSoundMaster: Just wanted to mention: Invisble War wasn't a pure disaster. It had good story (even better than original at times), awesome endings (completely no good/bad duality), graphics and atmosphere (a bit different than the first, but that's not a fault). It mostly suffered from restrictive level size (that in turn affected level design). The other faults i can overlook: lack of openness and reduced rpg aspect (the game is just different and should be treated on it's own terms, i don't need a second deus ex, i'm tolerant in this regard), being short (i don't care about that one, there are so many games to play, if it's short but good, i like it, unless it costs million dollars, but then i wouldn't buy it anyway). I liked the shortness of ammo / unified ammo thing (although it made no sense story-wise, it made a fun stealth ammo conserving gameplay, which is exactly how i played the first). So yeah, another "sequelism" case, where it not a sequel, wouldn't be as badly recieved.
BTW saing "meh" graphics about Human Revolution sounds really funny to me, as with all the modern games, which i rarely play or never play at all, look godly. I don't own a console and my PC is old, so i'm not used to it that much.
Most folks seemed to agree on its own IW was an okay or slightly above average game. As a Deus Ex folloup, though, I actually do feel it was sorely lacking. To be sure it had its good points but it just wasn't really up to the task of being a Deus Ex game.
Is that fanboy speaking? Maybe. But I actually think it's more a case that if you're slightly cute and you're standing next to a super model, you'll look drab in comparison. It is a sequel and therefor one cannot help but compare it to the first.