Game's effin' great. Not brilliant like the first DX but it's just really good. Don't mistake the lack of brilliance as anything bad - if anything, It feels like it's its own master while staying true to the complexity of the first game. This is enough to make me get over the disaster that is Invisible War.
TBH the game feels like a fusion between DX1 and VTMB, which can only be a good thing. I'm really impressed by Eidos Montreal - along with NV, this is one of the finest RPGs (loosely using the term RPG here) I've played in recent years. I'm still doubtful about whether they can pull off a true-to-its-roots Thief 4, but this prequel to one of the most brilliant games ever produced gives me renewed hope.
Because this is quite possibly the first, yes FIRST game to make me ignore off-putting design decisions such as no lean, health regen and 3rd person cover system. In a nutshell, I didn't miss lean that much while playing the game (even though I normally would, as I did in DXIW) because you can quickly strafe to substitute for lean; the AI also accommodates this quite well - they can still get hostile on you if you stay in their sight for too long, but if you only show a part of your face to them, they have a lower chance of recognizing you and going on full alert. In a way, the "stupidity" of the AI really works to the game's advantage.
The 3rd person cover system is optional - yes OPTIONAL - because it has tradeoffs. As mentioned above, there is a perfectly viable option to just skip the cover system and use "strafe leaning", thanks to the AI. Personally, I felt more comfortable just strafing back and forth to "peek" at enemies. Plus, the cover system makes AJ duck back slower compared to "strafe leaning".
Health regen is a really good thing here because the game is quite nicely balanced out, so that if you're caught in a firefight and get shot all over, your health only regenerates slowly and it takes forever to completely recover. In other words, it isn't a "godlike until you get hit 5 consecutive times" mode unlike many other games with this sort of mechanic.
Never thought I'd say this, but DXHR... what a game!
Post edited August 27, 2011 by lowyhong