was chilly because it has frozen last night, but its sunny so its getting warmer. temp will go to 8c.
timppu: Frisky weather: about +5 C degrees, mostly sunny (with the little time the sun shines this time of the year here) with some small clouds, not too windy. Great time for PC games, you don't feel too guilty for not spending all your time in outdoor activities.
A month from now it will be the darkest time of the year. At the moment here it is getting dark already around 4:30pm or so, the norther you go the earlier. I don't mind, but some people get depressed by the darkness. Maybe they should make a trip to Thailand in January or something, many do. I admit it can be quite odd that it may be pretty dark both when you go to work in the morning, and when you get back home.
As soon as snow comes, it makes the scenery a bit less "dark".
there are like those blue lights you can use which they also use in hospitals. but they also have them for home use. i got one from philips.