deadfolk: Are we just talking about the originals or the series?
Chucklesut: I was thinking series. I have been meaning to dabble in one of these series and now looks like the time.
Hmm...tricky, then. Very, very different. Both very good.
Descent is more...unique. I can't think of another game like it - although I'm sure someone else will come up with one. It can be quite disorientating if memory serves, but that just adds to the fun. I've not played any of them since release.
Freespace is more of your typical space combat game - but a shining example of such.
If I recall correctly, Descent played quite well without the aid of a joystick, whereas I imagine FS would be tricky. Don't know if this is a factor for you.
domgrief: Descent is something like Doom in three dimensions.
Oddly enough, I thought about saying the same thing. Then I realised that it might have been my memory playing tricks. I thought people might point at me and laugh. "Descent like Doom?" They would say. And I would be sad.
Luckily, it would appear my memory serves me better than I thought. I seem to remember ducking around corners and strafing...
Nuts. Now I have to reinstall and play it.