This is the short story I promised to write
in my initial entry. Well, not-so-short... :D
Sorry to those of you with TL;DR syndrome. I hope the rest of you like it. ;)
"A Christmas present" Again I had spent the night gaming. Damn! These old titles were really addictive, indeed! It would be better that I slept a couple of hours. Oh, my, I had forgotten to logout from the GOG Forum. I moved the mouse to the Logout option, but then I realized something strange. In the place where usually appeared the number of messages received, now there was a capital letter, a golden "G" on a green background. I clicked on it and a window opened, displaying a short message:
"Congratulations. You've been chosen. Merry Christmas!" Chosen? Chosen for what? So absorbed was I in the cryptic message that the sound of the doorbell made me jump. Who could be at that time? It was not yet dawn! Oh, no, surely not my landlord, demanding the rent again?
I opened the door, but in the hallway, instead of the expected landlord, there was a young man, dressed in a Santa Claus suit. He wore glasses and, funnily enough, had replaced the traditional Santa hat by a fedora one. I was sure of not having ever spoken with him, but his face was strangely familiar, anyway. I went to ask him what he wanted, but he led a finger to his lips to ask for silence. Then he approached the hand to his glasses, like if he wanted to adjust them. There was a bright flash and I lost consciousness...
I woke up in a large room. The walls, the ceiling and the floor seemed to form a single structure, without visible doors or windows, shining with a pearlescent light. The only furniture was a table and a chair before it, on which I sat, both white, too. The young Santa was standing in a corner of the room, looking at me. I opened my mouth to ask what was going on, but again he took his index to the lips. Then he pointed out the table. In it had appeared the luminous silhouette of a large button. I looked back at the man, that made me an affirmative gesture. With reluctance, I touched the button with one finger.
The illumination of the room was reduced and the table surface was illuminated with a soft blue light. That table was actually a huge touch screen, full of windows with information, all of them related to GOG. One of them caught my attention. It was a thread in the General Discussion forum and the participants were talking about something related to the Alpha Centauri game. As if the screen had read my thoughts, another window was opened. It seemed to contain almost all information related to the game on the servers of GOG. I instinctively knew that I couldn't access sensitive data but everything else was there: gamecard, reviews, related threads, requests, updates, etc. When I thought about other games, the screen changed to reflect my thoughts again.
I must confess that I felt strangely disappointed. Or course, that mind interface technology was impressive and it was going to revolutionize the world, but in terms of information I could have found all these data on the Internet from my own computer. Different would be if I could ascertain if GOG was going to get any of the games that I had been long expecting to see in the catalog. For example...
The screen changed again, showing the image of the games that I was thinking about. Under some of them flashed a date, to weeks or months in the future. Most simply stated "pending further negotiation". Only in one of them there was no data, only a "Restricted Access" warning. Surely the most anticipated and desired game in the Forum:
System Shock 2 I looked at the young Santa with discouragement. He returned my gaze and suddenly smiled. The warning disappeared... to display a date. I looked again at the man, incredulous and elated at the same time. He was still smiling me. Then his hand approached his glasses and there was a bright flash...
I woke up in my own room, sitting in front of the monitor. Then, had everything been a dream? With a feeling of sadness, I moved the mouse to logout from the Forum, but I suddenly stopped. In the place where usually appeared the number of messages received, there was a capital letter, a golden "G" on a green background, which blinked once playfully, as if someone were winking to me, and disappeared...