wulfclaw: Question: When has it become OK to fail? Let me use an example: If I in my line of work there is the following exchange:
Boss: "IT Guy! Marketing Guy! Over here! We have people saying there are problems accessing the [Stuff] they bought from us and buying new [Stuff] from us! Why is that?
IT Guy: "It is okay, boss. That is only when we have a sale to satisfy our customers and maybe attract ne ones. So maybe 3 - 4 times a year."
So the possible reaction could be: "Ah okay. Nice to know. Everything seems to be in order then."
Or more likely: [blank face] "WAT?"
So *taking of rose tinted glasses* if I was lucky till now with steam and just now unlucky with GoG: When has it become OK for a business in selling Stuff to fail?
This. I mean, I'm an understanding guy. And I can certainly live with GOG being a little busted now and then. It's not like it ruins my day. But what is very puzzling is why this keeps happening. Every year. Every sale. I used to work as a project manager and you can bet that my bosses would not be satisfied with the answer, "Oh, don't worry, it only happens during the periods when we're trying to make the most money."
Just.... truly baffling.