Posted December 17, 2012
Pheace: I'm sure it is. I'm not a bigger man. I'm a skeptic, and I'm saying that my general experience on forums over the last decade shows that about 9 times out of 10 people aren't actually sincere with apologies and similar statements (often used to simply get attention). Therefor I agree with Tarun, I wouldn't take someone's word for it. I'd let time tell.
I never said you shouldn't be skeptical, just that people shouldn't keep berating him for it after the fact(It just makes things worse for both sides, imo.)....that includes those who enter such "apology" threads just to leave snide comments(Not talking about you/others, just speaking in general here.) or downrate everything in sight that the user posted. While not everyone has done that(Most of the comments thus far have been civil and mostly positive, which also makes me proud to be a part of this community.), some have. I think it's those kind of people OP was upset at/with.