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The tutorial is surprisingly well done. It's delivered in a story driven mission which does the normal tutorial duties whilst managing to avoid being boring, definitely recommended for everyone even if you already know how the entire game plays.

There's no save game importing so your previous squad levels and equipment are gone but you're not playing as the same team anyway (at least not yet, the only returning playable character so far is Cyrus) so its not really a loss. You can import your stats for Last Stand and multiplayer army paint jobs and the like though, I'm SO glad I've not lost that level 2 mekboy I was working on!

The start of the Space Marine campaign is a massive spoiler for Chaos Rising (summarises the story of the last 3-4 missions) so whatever you do don't play as the Marines without finishing Chaos Rising first.

They seem to have changed the structure of the game quite a lot, the static squads are gone in favour of a hybrid of DoW1 & 2, you don't seem to have an onscreen base but you can requisition various units who can be teleported in at the beacons. One other odd thing is that reenforcements for squads cost requisition so you can't just win by attrition since resources are finite and because of this, they've made the reenforcing of squads a manual process so you don't waste resources reenforcing a scout squad when what you need is another devastator.

All of the hero abilities seem to be energy based now but the energy recharges quite a bit slower so you can't just sit behind a wall and toss grenades every 20 seconds as you could in DoW2 where the energy recharges about as fast as the cooldown timer on the grenade. Grenades also have a 1 second detonation timer when they land, not a lot but it might require a bit of planning when attacking an advancing enemy. Tarantula turrets are also not just a fire and forget item, they require the unit who deploys them to actually set them up and be unable to defend themselves (for about 10 seconds) as they do.

I just finished the first Blood Ravens mission and aside from the usual wargear reward, you go back to the sector map and can select one of three things, another 2 bits of wargear (missile launcher and shotgun for me) or unlocking a new unit type (in my case the tactical marine squad). Seems like they've made a lot of changes but they seem largely beneficial so far.

My fears of the game not being as strongly story driven seem to be unfounded which is quite a relief, the first Blood Ravens mission sets up a strong story with a well definied antagonist and a protagonist who looks like he'll take to the hero role pretty well. Rather nice to have a commander with a voice again.

Now I have to decide if I want to continue the Blood Raven campaign or try the first mission for the other races. I'm tending towards the latter I think, shall post any notable updates as I go.

Initial Verdict: Very good, the Emperor would approve.
So far the Imperial Guard are proving to be pretty good, as one might expect they can field substantiially more troops than the Marines, far from having a few scattered troops I have 24 lasgun & flamer equipped troops along with the arrogant smarmy bastard of a commander, the female inquisitor and sergeant merrick who was an IG sergeant in the main campaign of DoW2.

Inquisitor Adrastia has just made a big fan, one of her attack quotes is "My chief weapons are surprise and fear!"

Because this is only the second mission I've done I'm not sure if its standard but the IG start on the same map that the Marines did but instead of fighting orks & the black legion, they're fighting orks & tyranids

One change to the game mechanics that I've noticed is that suppression from heavy weapon fire is extremely fast, I'm not sure if I like that yet but I've not had many heavy weapons so I'm sure I'll love it as soon as it works for me rather than against me
All the campaigns use the same maps. The content is just different.

Also, apparently the game is unlocked worldwide. Judging from the official forums.
Seems that the same maps is definitely the case, the orks started there too.

The Orky Freebootaz are bloody awesome, they're one part pirate and one part football hooligan and Kaptin Bluddflagg sounds strangey irish. All in all they bring much needed personality back to the orks who have just been violent and stupid for far too long, now they're violent, stupid and funny!

Their upgrades are pretty good, slugga boyz can now be upgraded to have better shootaz and stikkbomz which they throw in a spread of 3. The Mekboy Mr Nailbrain also throws groups of 3 so if you can get him and a few squads to combine forces they can be devastating

The thing I'm probably looking forward to most is the weirdboy, aside from them being cool and exploding violently and amusingly (well not amusing for him) when they die, he can be upgraded to get the best psi power the 40K universe has known, the foot of gork!
Post edited March 01, 2011 by Aliasalpha
Still waiting for my collectors edition to arrive. Fucking!
Azarr: All the campaigns use the same maps. The content is just different.

Also, apparently the game is unlocked worldwide. Judging from the official forums.
It is not unlocked in Turkey. We must wait for 3rd March I think. :(
Azarr: All the campaigns use the same maps. The content is just different.

Also, apparently the game is unlocked worldwide. Judging from the official forums.
acare84: It is not unlocked in Turkey. We must wait for 3rd March I think. :(
Have you tried restarting steam? Otherwise it's also possible it was a mistake.
Yes, It is saying pre-load complete, unreleased.
dow2.jpg (119 Kb)
The only button I see is "pre load" :(
Then either some people were lucky or they have fixed it.
OMG just checked the official forums sticky and in my country it will be released on 4th!!!! I was dreaming for 3 th. :(
Post edited March 01, 2011 by mutishev
Aatami: Still waiting for my collectors edition to arrive. Fucking!
Mee too. lists release date as 4th.
I was hoping that it might ship a few days earlier, but I'm still waiting.
Amazon tends to ship early..... :(
Have I mentioned that I have it and that its pretty damned good? Mwahaha!

The Tyranids looks like they could be a really interesting race to play, the only hero unit you get is the hive tyrant, he has the ability to order a mycetic spore drop with ripper swarms but that can later be upgraded to hormagaunts & termagaunts (one in the strength ability and one in the energy ability) which can then be upgraded to a genestealer brood and ravener respectively. It doesn't sound like much to start with but I think that the ability to hot drop an elite melee and elite ranged squad into battle with a few seconds notice will be one of the things that really turns battles around.

Chaos are also pretty cool, the black legion have the ability to pledge patronage to one of 3 chaos gods (slaanesh is conspicuously absent though there are noise marines) by taking a god-specific icon as a commander item, as Eliphas progresses these get upgraded quite a lot so I can imagine a lot of diversity in the forces you can field.

One thing I've just realised that I didn't mention, the character progression has changed a lot, instead of putting extra points into certain tracks and unlocking a new ability every 3-4 levels, you get 5 abilities per track and just pick which track to upgrade. It lacks a little subtelty but I've not played with it enough to really see if that makes a difference.
So want to play it nowwww!!!! I am a huge fan of the series.

I am going to play first with the Space marines to see how the story continues and then I will play with IG.
"Release Date: 3 Mar 2011"

It is always nice to see a warm "Fuck you, customer. Since you are from <insert region>, we consider you not worthy".